For the first time, Argentina exported lemons to India


Good news for the regional economies and mainly for the citrus sector. The first export of lemons to India ended with a cargo of 24 tons who will arrive in the Asian country in about 30 days.

"Although lemon exports from the southern hemisphere to India are still low, there is a window in the off-season that coincides with the natural season of our country, in which they do not contain lemon of another origin and where we can get high quality fruits at a good price, "he said. Pablo Padilla, president of ANOCA, the North-West Citrus Association of Argentina.

The head of the badociation explained that "this first export aims to make a first step in this commercial link, and that Indian customers know the quality Argentine lemons "." In 2020, we plan to continue to develop all markets in this region, accompanying our presence of actions to promote consumption, "he added.

Argentina is currently producing one year 1.4 million tons of lemons, of which 1.3 million are obtained in Tucumán, and of this total, approximately 270 000 tonnes are exported fresh and the rest is distributed on the domestic market.

Exports of lemon and their derivatives generate for Tucuman an income of about 800 million dollars a year, and in addition to India, the province exports to Mexico, the United States, Brazil, Japan and the European continent.


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