For the first time in more than a century, they depicted a black leopard in Africa


Motivated by the story of villagers who claimed to have seen strolling in the area, Will Burrard-Lucas he proposed to photograph the animal, owner of a coat completely black jet and whose image in the country was almost a myth.


To achieve his goal, he installed night cameras with motion sensors in the area where, presumably, the beast was found. They spent whole nights, but the animal was not shown. Yes, hyenas and other known species appeared in his pictures, but not the jewel he had so desired.


He went into a house to smoke marijuana … and he met a tiger!

Already desperate, one day the photographer sat down to examine the material that had taken his camera and found a pair that caught his eye. It was him, the black leopard that imitated the darkness of the closed night.


"I could not believe it. It took me a few days before I realized I had realized my dream", said on his blog that for a few hours he was out of order before the large number of visits recorded by his supporters.

It is worth saying that the last image of the black leopard in Africa dates from 1909, near Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia.


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