For the first time, the Vatican received representatives of the LGBT community


The meeting took place a few days after the publication of an interview in which the dad Francisco tried to clarify his controversial remarks, those in which He suggested visiting a psychiatrist whose parents had detected homobadual tendencies in their children..

Now The Vatican received for the first time representatives of the bad, gay, bibadual and transgender community (LGBT), who have called on the Holy See to condemn the "criminalization" of which they are suffering in more than 70 countries and to make a public declaration to "clarify" your position on the subject.

During his recent interview with the Spanish journalist Jordi ÉvoleFrancisco insisted to consult a professional before the warning of "strange things"but added:" once the homobadual attitude is fixed, This homobadual man or woman is entitled to a family. And this father and mother are entitled to a child, come as it should"

"And no homobadual son or daughter can be driven out of the house."

On Friday, members of LGBT organizations from around the world accompanied a group from the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIDH) who headed the Vatican Secretary of State, the Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the conclusions of a report on the "criminalization of same bad relationships""

The study reported "Serious Violations of International Human Rights Laws "in 10 Caribbean Territories, especially the British colonies. Parolin thanked the information and badured that it will be studied carefully and that "the Holy See will act accordingly"

What does the Argentine present at the meeting

"It was a historic moment and a very important first step," he said. Filo.News at the end of the meeting Pedro Paradiso, chief of the Argentinian homobadual community and ILGA executive director, the International Association of Gay, Lesbian, Bibadual, Trans and Interbad, which brings together more than 1,500 NGOs from 100 countries.

"There are still 70 countries that criminalize homobaduality, six countries that punish him for the death penalty, it is urgent that world leaders speak against criminalization, saving lives."

The Argentine lawyer, one of the 51 participants at the meeting, added that "we have to work and understand the historical context of an institution that persecuted and condemned us. This new stage will open the door to hope … We thank you for your reception and we are grateful. "

Although not having been received by the pope, IThe delegation considered that the meeting had been facilitated by Francisco himself..

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