For the first time, they publish the complete and original version of Anne Frank's diary


The first, which is now known as version AHe had begun writing spontaneously, while his family was hiding from the Nazis in Amsterdam.

Then, after listening to the radio call to document the suffering of the Dutch Jews, Anne Frank partially rewrote her diary in the hope of seeing the text published after the war. the so-called B version.

The teenager dreamed of being a writer and thought to publish her diary under the title of "The house behind."

After the war and the death of Anne Frank, his father prepared a third version in which he chose to eliminate the pbadages relating to the typical crisis of puberty.

The new edition includes both versions A and B, the agency reported EFE.

The diary of Anne Frank, originally written in Dutch, It has been translated into dozens of languages and is considered one of the key documents of the Nazi era.

His history

Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt (central Germany) on June 12, 1929 in a Jewish family party in 1934 in the Netherlands to flee the Nazis.

In 1940, the Nazis invaded the Netherlands and, in 1942, intensified the persecution of the Jewish population, forcing the family to hide in a house in the backyard with other persecuted people. where they stayed for two years.

"I hope I can trust you with everything I could trust anyone"

The diary begins on June 12, 1942, while Anne Frank is 13 years old. "I hope I can trust you with everything I could trust anyone", said the first entry. The last date is August 1, 1944, three days before the Nazis discover the hiding place and arrest the Frank family and the other Jews.

The newspaper remained in Amsterdam and was kept by two employees of Otto Frank, Ana's father, who would receive notes after the war.

Anne Frank died in March 1945. A few weeks later, Bergen Belsen concentration camp was liberated by the British. Of the eight people detained in Anne Frank's house, her father was the only one to have survived captivity.


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