For the Iranian government, USA "It's shot in the foot by giving up a nuclear pact"


United States "He shot himself in the foot while withdrawing from the nuclear agreement with Iran", said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Javad Zarif, which offers a discouraging prospect on the possibility of resuming discussions with the American president, Donald Trump.

Zarif said on Wednesday in an interview with Bloomberg Television that the European countries participating in the initial agreement they have not taken steps to meet their own commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal.

Iran has the ability to engage in nuclear weapons, but "We will not build them" because the supreme leader of Iran, the ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he made a "religious commitment" they were banned, said Zarif in an interview with Bloomberg's editor, John Micklethwait.

"If we wanted to build nuclear weapons, we could have built them long ago," said Zarif, who was in New York to speak at a UN meeting.

However, Zarif said that Iran would continue to pursue what he called under the agreement, the right of the Islamic Republic to respond to the withdrawal of the United States. and the failure of European efforts to bring the promised benefits to the Iranian economy.

Zarif, who was Iran's foreign minister since 2013, was the chief negotiator for the multi-party nuclear deal reached in 2015 under the Obama administration, which Trump has since rejected.

Stressed on how to engage with the United States in a way that eases tensions, Zarif suggested that responsibility lies with Trump. He also expressed skepticism about the renegotiation of the 2015 agreement, known as the Common Global Action Plan, to include talks on Iran's missile program.

"You do not buy a horse twice"said Zarif, rejecting the idea that Iran is waiting for the US elections. the next year to set up a Democratic president who might be willing to join the agreement.

"No sensible country could base its foreign policy on results over which it has no control"said Zarif, giving Trump a "more than 50% chance" of being reelected.


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