For the lies of Bolsonaro, France opposes the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union


Mauricio Macri with Emmanuel Macron

Mauricio Macri with Emmanuel Macron

Mauricio Macri with Emmanuel Macron

"In these circumstances, France is opposed to the agreement with Mercosur, in the state", says the French government in a statement from the palace of the Elysee.

Other EU countries have joined this position as a Ireland and Germany, who criticized Bolsonaro amidst the colossal fire that affects many areas of the "lung of the planet".

The Irish Prime Minister, Leo VaradkarHe criticized Bolsonaro for his accusations in which he had mentioned environmental protection groups responsible for the fires, and had insisted that, if there was no greater commitment on the part of the Brazilian executive, his country would try to block the EU-Mercosur agreement.

Shortly before, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, had supported the proposal launched yesterday by Macron, after evaluating fires in the Amazon "terrible and dangerous not only for Brazil and for all the countries involved, but also for the whole world, because the tropical forest is of great importance for the global climate system"German spokesman Steffen Seibert said at a press conference in Berlin.

At the same time, the European Commission (EC) is "seriously concerned" by the fires and "supports Macron's initiative to discuss the urgency" at the next G7 meeting. "

The EC "is in contact with the Brazilian and Bolivian authorities, ready to badist," said spokeswoman for the European executive Mina Andreeva.


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