For the moment 18 soldiers to question | Torture and …


The blows that followed were led by Major Miguel Angel Garde and Corporal Oscar Albarracín, who trained the 34 soldiers to discover who committed the sin of killing an animal to eat it. Those who chose to blame were buried in the wells they had dug to protect themselves from enemy fire. Their companions wept, executing the order to cover them with earth. They saw British snow and bombs fall during the ten hours of the burial. Several were taken on a stretcher, frozen and interned.

The federal prosecutor Marcelo Rapaport and the prosecutor's office responsible for crimes against humanity are accountable (in addition to Guard and Albarracín) before the body of the federal prosecutor (a year ago), as well as in the trial – indictment). Gbadino Colonels Mabragaña and Norberto Fernández, chief and deputy chief of RIMec5, died unpunished.

The commander on whom depends RIMec5, who sheltered the tortures, General Omar Parada, is charged but has not yet been informed. The same delay benefits Captain Emilio Terán and Lieutenant Jorge Cadelargo, who, along with the Guard, have joined the main beach of the regiment. Captains Horacio Vlcek and Jorge Masiriz, former company chiefs, and Lt. Col. Jorge Luis López, former head of the Company of Engineers 3 at Monte Caseros.

The list of subalterns called to testify between June 27 and July 4 includes, in addition to the four mentioned, the sub-lieutenants Belisario Affranchino Rumi, Jorge Oscar Ferrante and Emilio Samyn Duco, former section chiefs; sergeants Luis Manzur and Raúl Linares, first lieutenant Gustavo Calderini and corporals Pablo Hernández, Claudio Tamareu, Jorge Romano, Ramón Caro, Sergio Guevara, Oscar Contreras, Francisco Rivero and Ramón Leiva.

"In a historic event, twelve years after the start of the trial, 18 of the 95 soldiers denounced are accountable," said Cecim La Plata yesterday. "For the Malvinas ex-combatants, it is a transcendent milestone in the quest for memory, truth and justice that they have undertaken 37 years ago," he said. added the agency, which is a complainant. The provincial commission chaired by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel said that "after twelve years of demanding justice, systematization of complaints, combating multiple attempts to impede the training of defenders of the armed forces these calls for an inquiry constitute a historic step forward for the Malvinas cause, but the judicial investigation still needs to be deepened. "

The case 1777/07 entitled "Pedro Pedro Valentín and others on the crime of public action" began in 2007 with the complaint of Vbadel. Eleven years later, in May 2018, prosecutor Rapaport and the prosecutor's office for humanity imputed for the first time to 26 former soldiers "to have ordered and executed various soldiers called for conscription – of which the stakes and burials are known – as a means of controlling the alleged indiscipline that led to the hardships endured by the troops due to lack of shelter and food.In December, Judge Calvete announced the first 18 copies, but the dates were fixed only yesterday.

In addition to the testimonies of the victims, some of the evidence available to the judge comes from documents from the Malvinas Documentary Fund, a documentary collection on the declbadified armed forces in 2015 that confirms the work of psychological action and intimidation realized after the war. in the so-called "badistance and re-education centers", so that soldiers do not report or talk about their suffering.


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