For the pope, "food can not be private property" | Chronic


The pope asked Wednesday to think about the many "hungry children " that there is in the world and warned that "the food is not a private property", at the general audience held St. Peter's Square. "our father's lesson", That's that it's "That food is not private property, let's put that in the head: food is not a private property, but a providence to share, with the grace of God."

The culture of appearance, which makes us live for things that go by, is a big disappointment. Because it's like a flare: once extinct, only the ashes remain.

– Pope Francisco (@Pontifex_es)
March 26, 2019

Unlike liberal economic policies that are gaining space in the world, but conflicting with the crises faced by many countries, Pope Francis called for considering the social value of food when thousands of people are hungry.

Where can we fix our gaze along the Lenten Trail? On the crucifix. Jesus on the cross is the compbad of life that directs us to heaven.

– Pope Francisco (@Pontifex_es)
March 27, 2019

"We think of children in war-torn countries: hungry Yemeni children, hungry children from Syria, hungry children from many countries where there is no bread, in southern Sudan, we think to these children and, thinking of them together, we say aloud the prayer: "Father, give us today the bread of each day", he said.

"How many mothers and fathers are still sleeping today with the torment of not having enough bread tomorrow for their children! We imagine this prayer recited not in the safety of a comfortable apartment, but in the precariousness of a room in which we adapt, where there is not enough life "he remarked. Francisco pointed out that "the food is not a property that fits us well in the head, but a providence to share with the grace of God. "

In greetings in Spanish, he prayed to the Lord for "this does not make us miss our daily bread and helps us to understand that it is not a private property, but, aided by his grace, it is a providence to share and an opportunity to meet others , especially the poor and the needy ".


Pray "It's not an exercise for ascetics", otherwise what "is part of the reality, the heart and the flesh of the people who live in need ", Recalled Pope Francis during the general audience of March 27, during which the pontiff continued his catechesis on the prayer of the Lord's prayer and stopped at the moment we presented our needs to God, "Give us today our daily bread".

The Holy Father explained that bread means "what is necessary for life: food, water, house, medicines, work. he said it comes from the same human existence, with its concrete and daily problems, which emphasizes what we sometimes forget: that we are not self-sufficient, but depend on the goodness of God ".

Therefore, the pontiff said that "Jesus never goes indifferent to these requests and to those pains"It is an" urgent request "that we address to God the Father"very similar to that of a beggar", comes from evidence that we often forget, namely, "that we are not self-sufficient creatures and that we have to feed ourselves every day", explained the pope.

"In the invocation: give us today our daily bread, Jesus teaches us to ask the Father for his daily bread, joined to so many men and women for whom this prayer is a painful cry which accompanies the desire of every day, because it lacks what is necessary to live ".

"That's why Jesus invites us to plead for our bread, without selfishness, in fraternity, for if we do not pray in this way, the Lord's prayer ceases to be a Christian prayer." If we say that God is our Father, we are called to present ourselves before Him. as brothers, united in solidarity and willing to share bread with others, in short, to feel in my hunger also that of many people who today lack what is necessary ".


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