For the rising dollar, the purchase of a 0km is more expensive and almost 13 salaries are needed for an economic salary


07/08/2018 – The rise of the dollar in
these last three months
and the drop in the level of
economic activity, in June
of 2018 reflected that the
amount of wages required
acquire a
small vehicle is located
in 12.8 salaries, by reversing
the trend of the first
semester of the year, when
only 10.6 were needed
According to the survey
of the consultant
Invenómica, "It is the
main reason that explains
the sales brake "
of vehicles, because "yes
wages do not accompany
increases in badets
Sustainable sales are
they contract almost
automatic. "
"In May, he already had
noticed a brake on
vehicle sales
before the big increases
prices. But a lot
the operations had
specified in the
two months and the
sales in May again showed
Growth Without
However in June the situation
it's different and it saves
a fall around
at 18% compared to
month of the previous year
Acara ", described the
He added that
"In the first months
of 2018 had been registered
a historical minimum in
amount of wages required
acquire a
small vehicle thank you
significant reductions
terminals and redialing
salary for
the adjustment of the parity and
trigger clauses ".
"Punctually, he has been reached
a minimum of 10.6
wages to buy a
unity, but this trend
it's reversed strongly
from April. In said
months, the dollar started
record high volatility
and with him the terminals
they started to increase
list prices and
reduce bonuses ",
According to the slogan,
2017 category
small sedan
-composed by models
like Gol Trend, Sandero,
Fox, Argo, 208, Etios,
Onix, among others, reaches
an average price
approximately $ 294,000 included
the bonuses.
As for wages,
average compensation
registered with the private sector
According to the ministry
working, was located in
$ 26,400 tour.
In June 2018, the situation
changed and price
small vehicles
they rose around
15% in just
two months (May and June),
and wages have not accompanied
said increase.
Currently the price
average of small
hatchbacks reach $
360,000 including bonuses.
Unless counted
exceptions, plus
there are models or versions
$ 300,000. l

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