For the second day in a row, the Chavista dictatorship delays the resumption of dialogue in Mexico


Jorge Rodríguez, leader of Maduro's negotiating team, arrives alone at the hotel to attend the third round of talks with the opposition, in Mexico City, Mexico on September 25, 2021. REUTERS / Luis Cortes
Jorge Rodríguez, leader of Maduro’s negotiating team, arrives alone at the hotel to attend the third round of talks with the opposition, in Mexico City, Mexico on September 25, 2021. REUTERS / Luis Cortes

Dialogues in Mexico continue to bog down for the second day in a row. The point is that the Chavista delegation was supposed to arrive in the country yesterday to resume negotiations, but it only did so today and did not arrive with the whole delegation. Nicolasito, the dictator’s son, for example, has not traveled.

The first was the head of the delegation, the controversial Jorge Rodríguez, who arrived at the hotel where the talks are taking place, but only to show up, because the appointment was not resumed. A few hours later, the Chavista team joined.

The third round of talks, which takes place in Mexico with the arbitration of Norway, should have started on Friday, but Maduro’s representatives planted the opposition by not attending the meeting.

Although the regime has not justified his absence, Venezuela’s executive vice president Delcy Rodríguez on Friday attacked the US ambassador to the country, James Story, whom he accused of giving orders to the opposition “on what to do at the dialogue table.” A message that was endorsed by Jorge Rodríguez, president of the Venezuelan parliament and head of the government’s negotiating team, who wrote that the Venezuelan executive ” will never participate in an agenda that this character tries to impose “, in reference to the ambassador.

It was the representative of the opposition delegation, Gerardo Blyde, who reported in a statement Friday evening that the Chavistas did not attend the meeting. Despite this absence, Blyde ratified the opposition’s “commitment” to “continue negotiating on the agreed agenda”. the justice system “.

After the failure of five attempts at dialogue in the past seven years, the international community is betting that this time the way will be opened for a negotiated and electoral solution to the complex economic and social crisis that Venezuela is going through, which has unleashed the migration of six million people in recent years.

The chavist show

The delegation arrived on Mexican territory this afternoon and quickly put on a show to show provocative posters demanding the release of Alex Saab, the Maduro frontman accused of a millionaire of money laundering and whose extradition to the United States has already been approved by the justice of Cabo. , where he is imprisoned.

It is that in recent weeks, the Venezuelan regime has launched its latest maneuver to try to stop the extradition. He assures that Saab is a diplomat of his government and asked to be integrated into the dialogue table in Mexico.

Jorge Rodríguez leads the Chavista delegation that put on the show with the photos of Saab in Mexico
Jorge Rodríguez leads the Chavista delegation that put on the show with the photos of Saab in Mexico

Of Lebanese descent and born in the town of Barranquilla, Colombia, Saab is linked to several companies, but his main connection to Maduro is said to be through Group Grand Limited (GGL), which would sell diet food to subsidized prices to be distributed in humble neighborhoods. However, Saab and Maduro have been accused on different occasions of using the program, known as CLAP, to illegally seize hundreds of millions of dollars.

In fact, Saab, along with three of Maduro’s stepchildren and nine others, were sanctioned in July 2019 by the United States for this precise maneuver. For this reason, everyone has frozen any holdings or real estate they may have in the United States.


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