For the tenant, there is no pocket to bear: rents increased by 17% in 2018


As published by with information of Free Mercado Inmuebles, in more than 280,000 apartment publications for sale and for rent in the city of Buenos.

According to Mercado Libre prices rose in June by 40.2% in the pesos prices of these departments. Simultaneously, the demand in the purchase of real estate, which rose from 53.2% in June 2017 to 36.7% in the same month of this year.

Those who increased the most . Retiro, Barracas and Villa Luro were the three areas where rents increased the most: 51%, 39% and 29% respectively. Saavedra (24.4%) and Barrio Norte (23.2%) complete the first five districts with the largest increases in the first half of 2018.

Of a total of 48 neighborhoods badyzed, 13 are those who have exceeded the increase above 17%. In addition to those mentioned, Villa Urquiza (22.8%), Almagro (22.7%), Flores (22.6%), Floresta (21.6%), San Cristóbal (21.3%) are also registered. %), Congress (20.7%), Caballito (20.2%) and Villa Crespo (18.3%).

Those who have climbed the least. Cañitas, had a decrease of 2.6% in the price of renting apartments. Then Puerto Madero (3.5%), Liniers (4%), San Nicolás (5.9%), Nuñez (7%) and Villa del Parque (8.3%). They complete the areas with fewer increases: Boedo (10.8%), Palermo (11.3%), Ounce (12%), Parque Chacabuco (12.2%), Villa Pueyrredón (12.7%) ), Balvanera (12.8%), Villa Devoto (13.6%), Colegiales (14.4%), Montserrat (14.9%), Recoleta (15.2%), Belgrano (16.3%) and San Telmo (16.5%).

The most expensive neighborhoods. Puerto Madero again has the highest prices with an average price of $ 25,673, followed by Recoleta with $ 14,193, Barracas $ 13,771, Palermo with $ 13,740 and retirement with an average price of $ 13,259

Caballito, Palermo, Belgrano, Almagro and Villa Urquiza. On the contrary, the interest of buying decreases in these areas.

The apartments for sale, also increase in price. The price of m2 in dollars of apartments for sale is not far behind and also shows increases in the city of Buenos Aires: it increased by 3.3% during the first half of 2018. While the rise was 13, 5% last year, compared to June 2017.

Puerto Madero has the highest price (US $ 5,826). They are followed by Las Cañitas (US $ 3,916), Belgrano (US $ 3,487), Recoleta (US $ 3,470) and Palermo (US $ 3,460). The square meter in Puerto Madero is four times more expensive than the m2 in Villa Lugano (US $ 1,352), the neighborhood with the lowest prices in the neighborhoods badyzed.

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