For the unemployment commission, regional dialogues are “strategies to deceive Colombians”


Archive image of the president of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), Diógenes Orjuela, who does not agree with the regional dialogues.  EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archives
Archive image of the president of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT), Diógenes Orjuela, who does not agree with the regional dialogues. EFE / Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda / Archives

Diogenes Orjuela, member of the Central Unitary Workers (CUT), was launched against the strategy of the national government to hold regional dialogues with the spokespersons of the said commission in each of the departments.

The government’s proposal, coordinated by the regional Council, will place governors and mayors at the table so that parties find solutions to the needs of Colombians.

However, Orjuela said that this strategy “are actions to deceive them”, referring to the members of the said committee as, by extension, their clients.

Dr Archila will do like President Juan Manuel Santos with the national dialogue or his national conversation, trying to deceive Colombians with conversations and dialogues that do not work.

For Orjuela, this form of negotiation proposed by the government has been used before by other governments, for which he maintains that it will be a new failure for the country since, he says, it will continue to fuel the discontent of Colombians.

The union leader believes that sooner or later another social outbreak will reappear, if the government pursues this strategy.

“Then the government complains when in about four or five months another social explosion like the one on April 28 is registered again, where were all the Colombians who took to the streets to protest“said Orjuela.

Orjuela considered that regional dialogues without taking into account the opinion of national leaders are a mistake of the government, which is why he criticized Emilio José Archila, who assumed the representation at the dialogue table: “Colombians must finally understand that the position expressed by Dr Archila, who is the voice of the President on this issue, is the attitude that led the country to the social explosion of April 28, not to negotiate”.

On the other hand, the leader stressed that this strategy is “disrespectful” towards the country and constitutes a “simulation”, with which he expressed his opposition to the concerted forms that the government seeks to develop in the eighth week of the national strike:

It’s simulating negotiations and it’s very disrespectful to the country, very disrespectful to all the millions of Colombians who mobilized in more than 800 municipalities, ”said Orjuela in an interview with RCN Radio.

In addition, he recalled the responsibilities vis-à-vis the government, specifying that he cannot complain because the mobilizations and strikes which the country is facing are directly responsible for the way it undertakes the negotiations. Orjuela believes that it is the Colombians who have suffered the most from this strategy.

“The country is terribly affected by this President Ivan Duque and now with this new actor, Dr Emilio Archila, the only thing he does is pour gasoline on the fire, ”said the union leader, who sits on the strike committee.

Regional dialogues: the turning point the government has imposed in the management of the national strike

Images of the Colombian Federation of Educators marching during a day of protests in the context of the national strike.  Photo: Colprensa.
Images of the Colombian Federation of Educators marching during a day of protests in the context of the national strike. Photo: Colprensa.

National government strategy It will focus on the 200 work tables that it has created in different regions and cities in order to directly receive the demands of the population.

The government has approved the tables in which local authorities and demonstrators will participate. The needs and demands will be negotiated with them, which will be printed in a Conpes document for the allocation of resources to move the programs forward.

For Emilio José Archila, some tables are already showing results and conversations continue in others. Some are located in Norte de Santander, Meta, Nariño and Cauca.

For example, Members of the First Line of Solié, one of the flagship sectors of the National Strike demonstrations in Cali, announced this weekend that they would lift the blockades of the roundabout and the Nave between this Sunday and Monday holiday., and they will be kept in a permanent working assembly.

In the event of non-compliance with the agreements concluded with the local authorities, the actions will be resumed.

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