For the US CDC, for now, only immunocompromised people should receive a booster against COVID-19


The United States maintains that at present, only immunocompromised people should be boosted with the coronavirus vaccine (Photo: REUTERS)
The United States maintains that at present, only immunocompromised people should be boosted with the coronavirus vaccine (Photo: REUTERS)

While the debate on the possible application of a dose of enhancement vaccine against the coronavirus, in the United States the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English) indicated that at this time, those eligible for a third dose are people with weakened immune systems.

Rochelle WalenskyThe CDC director said no one else should try to get the vaccine alone, while the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) should recommend a third dose for immunocompromised patients.

“At the moment, only certain immunocompromised people may need an extra dose,” said Walensky, who spoke with Antoine Fauci, Chief White House epidemiologist.

Walensky detailed that “It is a very small population, it is estimated at 3% of adults.” On this issue, he pointed out that following the FDA’s decision, a committee of CDC scientists will meet on Friday to analyze the measure and make recommendations.

Fauci, meanwhile, said elderly or high-risk people should not request a third dose at this time, although he clarified that a booster dose will likely be recommended at some point.

The epidemiologist, principal advisor to the president Joe biden for the pandemic, clarified that, although the general population does not yet need reinforcements, “sooner or later” you will need it.

Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Photo: REUTERS)
Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Photo: REUTERS)

The FDA is in talks with the laboratories Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc. to allow third dose for people who are immunocompromised. According to specialists, another injection could help to increase the protection of these individuals, who could not generate a sufficient immune response with the vaccine.

This contradicts the position of the World Health Organization (WHO), What called for a global moratorium on a third dose vaccine, because he considers that if countries started administering it, it would not facilitate the global distribution of COVID sera.

Israel was the first country to start administering third doses of the coronavirus vaccine to people 60 years and older, while Western countries strive to vaccinate as many of their populations as possible with two doses against the coronavirus.

The United States is seeing a worrying increase in cases due to the spread of the Delta variant (Photo: REUTERS)
The United States is seeing a worrying increase in cases due to the spread of the Delta variant (Photo: REUTERS)

The United States is experiencing a new wave of pandemic due to the expansion of the delta variant of the coronavirus, which is progressing without brake Yes is the cause of almost all new cases, the Government therefore does not exclude the administration of a third dose of vaccine.

As of Wednesday, there were 132,384 new cases of COVID-19 in the United States, with a weekly average of 113,000 infections, which is a 24% increase from the previous seven days. The number of hospital admissions also increased by 31% from the previous week, with an average of 9,700 daily admissions to health centers.

“We continue to see an increase in cases, hospitalizations and deaths across the country, and now 90% of counties in the United States are experiencing a substantial transmission O high“Coronavirus,” Walensky said.

In addition, cases of minors are also on the increase. Fauci explained that the greater number of infections in children and adolescents is due to the fact that the delta variant is much more infectious than the other variants., like alpha.

“The only thing we are sure of is that more cases means more minors in the hospital», He alerted.

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