For Vargas Llosa, Argentina could emulate Venezuela and "return to barbarism" if Alberto Fernández was president


Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa said that Argentina could imitate Venezuela by "returning" to "barbarism" if "the Argentineans repeat the furious madness of these primary elections in which they repudiated" President Mauricio Macri and him awarded 15 points. advantage "of the duo Alberto Fernández-Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

"Unfortunately, Venezuela is not the only one to return to barbarism." Argentina could imitate it if the Argentinians reiterated the furious madness of those primary elections in which they repudiated Macri and gave the couple Fernández-Kirchner fifteen points of advantage, "said the famous president. writer in a column for the newspaper The nation, entitled "A democratic withdrawal from civilization to barbarism".

Macri Days ago (Maxi Failla / Clarín)

"The explanation for this delusion? The economic crisis that the Macri government has not resolved and doubled the inflation that was ravaging Argentina during the previous mandate," he said. he declares.

"What has failed?", He said. "I think the so-called" gradualism ", the efforts of the Macri team to no longer require sacrifices from a people exhausted by Kirchner's excesses."

Fernandez Days ago (Maxi Failla / Clarín)

For the writer, "it did not work, but today, the Argentineans in distress hold the current government – probably the most competent and the most honest that the country has known for a long time – consequences of the frenetic populism that has ruined the only country left behind underdevelopment and that, thanks to Peron and Peronism, he returned with enthusiastic enthusiasm. "


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