Forbidden to investigate | The government wants to expel …


The government has decided to do its utmost against Judge Alejo Ramos Padilla, who is investigating an illegal espionage and extortion ring in which alleged lawyer Marcelo D'Alessio, intelligence agents, prosecutors are implicated such as Carlos Stornelli, journalists and political leaders. In the late afternoon, the executive branch asked its representative on the Judicial Council, Juan Pablo Mahíques, to begin the impeachment process for the magistrate. According to a statement by the Ministry of Justice in a statement, the government of Mauricio Macri based the claim on "the manifest and irregular fulfillment of the duties of impartiality and the reservation that every judge must respect the lawsuits before his courts in defense of the rights of the parties concerned ". The main objection is the presentation of the magistrate to the Congress on March 13th. The decision provoked a strong rejection of political leaders and criminal lawyers, who called it an "institutional suicide", an act of "self-discovery" and an attempt "to commit suicide." hinder the investigation ". The sources of the officialism to the Council have advanced to PáginaI12 that the request for indictment could appear that same Monday.

Change's attack on Ramos Padilla took several weeks, but rushed yesterday, the same day the Federal Judge of Dolores sent a new request for an investigation by the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli (for March 20) and extended the investigation on D'Alessio, who refused to testify. Judge Luis Rodríguez's inquiry also began to branch out and intensify, and was badigned to another prosecutor, Juan Ignacio Bidone, who also acknowledged having collaborated with Dr. Alessio. to perform espionage tasks. During the raids and investigation on Alessio, several evidence of alleged links could be discovered both with the Minister of Justice, Patricia Bullrich, as well as with the founding partner of Cambiemos, Elisa Carrió, and her main sword in Justice, Paula. Oliveto. The scope could reach even President Mauricio Macri, given that during an exchange of discussions, D'Alessio told Stornelli that he "was with his friend MM". There is also evidence of fluid contacts with members of the Federal Intelligence Agency and media journalists linked to the national government.

In the note sent by the portfolio headed by Germán Garavano to the representative of the executive power in the Council, the executive argues that the judge acts with an "intentionality", affirming as true ends of the investigation which, according to his own statements, have not been verified yet. "He then asks the Council to determine whether the judge has" committed a violation of his duties "and baderted that" his investigation was a political and media issue, far from the role the Constitution accords to the judiciary ". lacked impartiality, but he also did not respect the duty of objectivity that the law imposes on those who publicly accuse of being representatives of the public prosecutor's office, "the note states. .

Similarly, it was pointed out that "the confrontational attitude shown towards certain legislators is also an act incompatible with the prudence and decorum expected of a federal judge". And concludes that, "in the course of all that has been exposed so far, I ask that the facts described above be presented to the Judicial Council for the purpose of initiating the procedure provided for by law.

On the other hand, "his willingness to collaborate with him" has focused on "the obvious political goal" that seems to steer the judge's action "towards dependencies to which it does not correspond not, as well as on the Truth and Justice program, knowingly omitting the obligation to require that those who are governed by the law for this purpose, such as the Victims Assistance Center. of Offenses (Cenavid) and the National Program for the Protection of Witnesses and Assured Persons, "be aware that the program Truth and Justice can only intervene in cases related to crimes against humanity" "Dr. Ramos Padilla can not ignore that this ministry has always provided badistance in all legal proceedings in which it was required under the legal provisions in force", concludes the note.

The news has aroused wide rejection among jurists and academics, even among those who have had a very critical attitude towards the government of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner as lawyer, Andrés Gil Domínguez. "To demand the dismissal of Judge Ramos Padilla involves an institutional suicide of the government, which looks like the worst practices of Kirchner and a slavery of the independence of the judiciary.We do not fight so many years for the Republic to end so, "said Gil Dominguez.

For Maximiliano Rusconi, the decision to change "is a great and comprehensive act of self-discovery". "The question is what do they want to cover, only what we already know, or is this decision intended to cover acts that we still do not know and think we will know about?" C & # 39; is the typical act of immorality before leaving the government, "said the lawyer.

In the same vein, Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta warned against the government's willingness to "obstruct an investigation" and against the "defense of the people who intervene in this parapublic organization" that is the subject of an investigation. Regarding the attitude of the judge in Congress, Gómez Alcorta pointed out that "all that Ramos Padilla had manifested was part of what was already in the resolutions that he had already dictated, in the various prosecutions, as in the so-called request to indagatoria, the resolutions were made public, because once the parties were made aware, we had them all ". "He has not put forward any opinion at any time," he said. Lastly, the lawyer felt that there was "a double stick", since there is no charge order against him. from Stornelli, "which is absolutely accredited at this stage for its irregular performance".

But also a number of officials, including most of the attorneys who participate in television programs that are frequent badistants of TN and who, in this sense, do not object to what they can do know or speak about ongoing investigations. If we question everything that is right, I think what is clear is that they do not want Judge Ramos Padilla to continue the investigation or that we know, or that we can all know what is happening, there is in this cause.

The procedure in the Council

The Disciplinary and Indictment Commission of the Judicial Council, which should badyze the complaint against the judge, is chaired by the senator of the justicialist bloc, Miguel Pichetto. It is also composed of the deputy of Mbadista, Graciela Camaño, the macrista Pablo Tonelli, the radical Senator Inés Brizuela and Doria, the representative of the lawyers Juan Pablo Vélez, the judges Juan Manuel Culotta and Alberto Lugones and the representative of the. academy, Diego Molea. Of these 9 members, 6 are needed to issue a favorable opinion on the dismissal, which must then be evaluated by the whole Council. While three people are obediently responding to the executive (Mahiques, Tonelli and Brizuela), Council sources estimated last night that it was unlikely that Judges Lugones and Culotta, although they were close to the decision, decide to move against a couple. "It must be a very, very strong accusation," they revealed last night. It will not be easy either for Molea, close to Peronism, to accompany the badault. It will be necessary to see what attitude Plus Vélez adopts, of radical cradle, but whose vote would not manage to manage to advance with the destitution.

Whatever the case may be, Ramos Padilla must appear before the Judicial Council on March 25 because he is a candidate for the post of Federal Judge at La Plata, a key court. It is the one who has the electoral competition in the province of Buenos Aires. Although the board may feature first place on the list, it is more than obvious that Macri will not select the specifications of a judge that he intends to dismiss.


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