Foreign companies looking for young Argentines



An important point is fluency in English. The data take on a particular relevance if we take into account one of the most requested jobs is writing content of all kinds: academic, reports, blogs, research and translation, among others.

"Not only has the language barrier been reduced, but in many cases it has disappeared, businesses can engage local talent, speak the same language and maintain the same cultural habits when providing and receiving services. professionals, "said Sebastián Siseles, international vice president of the online job portal

The largest source of demand for professional services for Argentines is United States, followed by Australia and the United Kingdom in third place. "The language barrier is important but not exclusive," adds Siseles, adding that fourth place is occupied Spain, "a country that for many years needs Argentine talent for different jobs".

India and Canada they occupy respectively the fifth and sixth places. Both are constantly growing markets with high demand for human resources to fill vacant positions, particularly in the areas of technology and design.


The most frequent orders are related to jobs in the technological, creative and badytical fields. All these countries require that Argentines develop, for example, statistical badysis, database programming, graphic design, data processing, digital book design, business badysis, virtual badistant programming, data entry and tasks in more than 1300 areas of expertise.

"Emerging professions" are also in great demand. Related jobs in machine learning, blockchain and data mining these are options that are in great demand and with a promising future.

With regard to the age range sought by companies, Siseles states that "it is skills or knowledge related to the fields of information technology, marketing , digital communication and the topics are the so-called Generation Y, which is between 21 and 38 years old. However, we have over 32 million users worldwide, of all ages (as long as they are over the age of 16), who work and generate incomes, regardless of their age, they simply need to know how to do what businesses require. "


"It's important to distinguish between a full-time job, for the same employer, in exclusivity, from one-off and specific service delivery, which is done by an independent / self-employed worker," says Siseles.

In the case of a, the average of each job published for short-term projects is $ 205. "These are jobs that can last from a few hours (creating a logo) to a few days (a longer translation or a software patch, for example)," says Siseles: "In addition, there are programming, architecture, and other tasks that far exceed $ 10,000 or $ 15,000."

Regarding the figures of the company, Siseles said: "All our financial information is regularly presented to the ASX (Australian Stock Exchange) and, in our last presentation made 1 month ago, we report comparatively our figures comparing the 2018 fiscal year-end to the fiscal year-end in 2017. In this sense, at the user level, we saw an increase of 4.7 million new users, from 13 million published works to 15, 1 million, and 588 million Australian dollars ($ 411 million) traded on our platform for a total of A $ 741 million ($ 518 million), an increase of 26%. In this sense, the figures for the first quarter of 2019 are promising and follow the growth trend we have experienced. "


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