Foreign Ministers from all over the world visit Argentina, while the future of UNASUR is decided


It is about Second United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, to be held March 20-22 at the city's exhibition center.

Although the official goal of the work agenda is "to examine the trends of South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation", the truth is that the situation should infiltrate in the debates, as political conflict escalates in Venezuela and a few days after Ecuador announced it was leaving the Unasur regional bloc.

More than 38 bilateral meetings are expected between Chancellor Jorge Faurie and its international counterparts, and officials are expected to prepare a final document in which, according to the Argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs, "there will be no mention of the political situation of any particular country, but it will be something of global". The clarification was made at the Foreign Ministry this Friday at a press conference also attended by Ana Ciuti, Director of International Cooperation, and Jorge Chediek, Director of the South-South Cooperation Office of the United Nations. United.

Before a consultation of this media about Venezuela's participation in the conclave, Faurie clarified that the event is organized by the UN and that the organization has sent the invitation "to all countries, including the representative of the UN in Venezuela" .

The list of participants has not yet been confirmed, but it should be recalled that the United Nations, although expressing concern about the political situation in Venezuela, does not recognize Juan Guaidó as the authority of this country. In this scenario, already in tension, the events of Thursday in Vienna, where about twenty diplomats left a meeting of the international body fight against drugs by the presence of the Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, to which they consider a "illegitimate" representative of the country.

However, we will have to wait to see what happens. The only confirmation of the Argentine government is that there will be, during the three days of the conference, a specific meeting on "the situation of Venezuelan migration" (Argentina is the fifth destination chosen by those who leave this country) .


As the parade of diplomats unfolds, President Mauricio Macri will travel to Chile, where will be held the meeting of member countries of the Unasur bloc, which has suffered a cimbronazo these days after Ecuador, member and headquarters, has definitively left the scene.. Lenin Moreno is the second country to make this decision. The first was Colombia, while Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Paraguay suspended their participation in this area last year.

Presidential message. Wednesday, March 13, 2019.mp4

Consulted by the press, Chancellor Faurie did not rule out Argentina abandoning Unasur, although he said it would be discussed next week. "We will agree on the process of reformulation of the bloc," he said.

The appointment to Santiago de Chile will take place on Friday 22nd and should involve the Lima Group's state leaders who support the US initiative to not recognize Nicolás Maduro as Venezuela's chief of state. At this meeting, the warrants were to prepare a statement against the Bolivarian government and Prosur, replacing Unasur, agreed.


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