Foreign Ministry granted more embassies to officials close to Cristina Kirchner


The Foreign Ministry on Thursday appointed Argentina’s new ambassadors to South Africa and Australia, while granting other diplomatic representations to Eduardo Zuain, current Ambassador to Russia, and Roberto Carlés, who is in charge of the mission in Italy.

Through the Decree 570/2021, published in the Official Journal with the signatures of President Alberto Fernández, Chief of Staff, Santiago Cafiero, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Felipe Solá, Zuain has been appointed Ambassador to Turkmenistan.

Zuain, the current Argentine ambassador to Russia and former deputy foreign minister under the administration of Cristina Kirchner, has once again made headlines in recent days by calling for the case to be canceled due to the signing of the Memorandum with Iran for the attack on AMIA.

“All this is null and void”, underlined the diplomat and declared that there was an “obscene bias” in the case, when he spoke before the judges of the Federal Oral Court 8, during the hearing convened in the context of the case opened by the complaint of the late prosecutor Alberto Nisman.

However, the prosecutor at the Federal Oral Court 8, Marcelo Colombo, on Wednesday opposed the closing of the case by the Memorandum, asked the judges to reject the allegations of non-existence of a crime of the defenses and has ratified that the case should come to trial.

On the other hand, the portfolio headed by Felipe Solá appointed Roberto Carlés, who is currently Argentina’s Ambassador to Italy, as a representative to the Republic of Malta.

Carlés, who turns 40 on September 17, is a political figure close to Vice-President Cristina Kirchner and was even chosen for the mission in Italy on the basis of his good relations with Pope Francis.

By Decree 566/2021, the appointment of Carlés as Ambassador to the Republic of Malta was formalized this Thursday “without prejudice to his current duties as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic in the Italian Republic”.

As, Claudio Pérez Paladino, a career diplomat, has been appointed head of the South African embassy, ​​in accordance with Decree 565/2021.

A graduate in political science, Pérez Paladino was also Ambassador to Romania and the Republic of Moldova, between 2009 and 2015. He also held various positions at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until this year he became Director of Africa sub-Saharan at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Affairs.

Finally, Decree 568/2021 ordered the transfer “from the Department of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship to the Embassy of the Republic in the Commonwealth of Australia to the Minister Plenipotentiary First Class. Maximum Eduardo Gowland“.

Gowland was responsible for the Directorate of Antarctic Foreign Policy which belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.



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