Former Afghan Minister of Technology who left the country and is now a delivery driver in Germany


The former Afghan minister now spends his days distributing bicycle addresses for the German company Livrando Photo: @@ JosaMania
The former Afghan minister now spends his days distributing bicycle addresses for the German company Livrando Photo: @@ JosaMania

Syed Ahmad Sadat, former Afghan Minister of Technology and Communications, now works as a food delivery man in Germany, according to some photos published by the information portal Al Jazeera Arabia on his Twitter account.

Agree with Sky News, who spoke with Sabat and confirmed the authenticity of the photos, The former Afghan manager is said to be working with the German company Livrando, a housing platform similar to Rappi or Uber Eats, because apparently he wouldn’t have any more money.

Sabat told the news portal that he hopes his story will serve as a “catalyst” to change the way high-ranking people live their lives in the Asian and Arab world. He’s an example of the twists and turns life can take, a person who controlled a government wallet and was constantly surrounded by security personnel, now he finds himself delivering pizza on a bicycle.

Syed Ahmad Sadat has worked for 20 years in the field of engineering and communications as an advisor to private companies and public institutions (Photo: @@ JosaMania)
Syed Ahmad Sadat has worked for 20 years in the field of engineering and communications as an advisor to private companies and public institutions (Photo: @@ JosaMania)

The former Minister of Technology and Communications has two masters in Communications and Electronic Engineering from the University of Oxford. He also has over two decades of experience in his previous field, although he is now a “newbie” to the home delivery world.

The former Afghan minister lives in Leipzig, where he arrived in December of last year after leaving Afghanistan. He quit work in 2020 and traveled to Germany. Sadat joined Ashraf Ghani’s cabinet in 2018, but he resigned his post in 2020, having some disagreements with the latter.

Syed Ahmad Sadat expressed his surprise at how quickly the Afghan civilian government fell to the Taliban (Photo: @@ JosaMania)
Syed Ahmad Sadat expressed his surprise at how quickly the Afghan civilian government fell to the Taliban (Photo: @@ JosaMania)

For 23 years Sadat has been working in the field of communications with more than 20 companies, in 13 countries, including Saudi Arabia, for Aramco and Saudi Telecom Company.

During this period, he was also a technical advisor to the Afghan Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies from 2005 to 2013. He was also CEO of Ariana Telecom in London from 2016 to 2017.

Afghanistan came under full Taliban control on August 15, when the insurgent group captured the capital of Acceptance. Then-president Ghani was evacuated from the country within hours and is believed to be in the United Arab Emirates.

Syed Ahmad Sadat in a meeting with former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani (Photo: @@ JosaMania)
Syed Ahmad Sadat in a meeting with former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani (Photo: @@ JosaMania)

In reaction to the events in Afghanistan, Sadat declared Sky News that he had never expected civilian government to fall so quickly.

Read on:

Sweden suspends development aid to Afghanistan
The withdrawal from Afghanistan and its implications
Everything we know so far about ISIS-K, the heirs of the Islamic State in Afghanistan

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