Former Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez transferred to hospital for the third time in two weeks


Former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez leaves the Hospital del Torax after a medical examination during the first days of August (Bolivia).  EFE / Martín Alipaz
Former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine Áñez leaves the Hospital del Torax after a medical examination during the first days of August (Bolivia). EFE / Martín Alipaz

Jeanine ñez, who proclaimed herself interim president of Bolivia during the electoral crisis of 2019, was taken on Wednesday from La Paz prison In which we find it in a medical center in El Alto, an unexpected transfer which meant “a direct attack on his life”, according to your defense. This is the third time in two weeks that the former president has been transferred to hospital.

Jorge Valda, who is part of Áñez’s defense, denounced that the transfer was carried out “without informing relatives or lawyers”, and without notifying the destination, “which was ultimately known to have been the hospital del Norte, in the town of El Alto, where the detainee underwent a CT scan.

Valda questioned the unexpected nature of the transfer, despite the fact that Áñez, his lawyers and relatives have been warning of his poor health for weeks, practically since entering prison in March when he accused of “sedition, terrorism and conspiracy”, in the context of the “Coup d’Etat” affair.

She was accused of
She has been accused of “sedition, terrorism and conspiracy”, in connection with the “Coup d’Etat” case EFE / Rodrigo Sura / Archive

It’s really a direct attack on his life, on his integrity“says Valda, who considers moving from city to city some 20 kilometers away when Áñez suffers from high blood pressure,” once again shows that not only is undue deprivation of liberty generated, but it also aims to take his life away, an extreme that we cannot allow“, he said.

The medical center Áñez was transferred to was heavily monitored by police forces and an hour later she returned to Miraflores Penitentiary in La Paz, the Bolivian newspaper reported. The reason.

In August, Añez went to the hospital twice. The first time, on 11 a.m. in La Paz, where he was diagnosed systemic arterial hypertension and Anxiety Depressive Syndrome. Two days later, he returned to the same center for another check-up. This transfer involves the third time the former president has been taken to a hospital.

What do we know about their health

He was diagnosed with systemic hypertension and EFE / Stringer anxiety-depressive syndrome
He was diagnosed with systemic hypertension and EFE / Stringer anxiety-depressive syndrome

Jeanine Áñez presents a picture of “hypertension” and “anxiety depressive syndrome”, as determined by the medical examination carried out in the first days of August.

The director of the Bolivian prison regime, Juan Carlos Limpias, indicated on this occasion that The former president was “stable”, although she suffers from “high blood pressure” and “depression”, according to studies carried out at the hospital where she was treated by a “specialist cardiologist”.

“Medicines were recommended, but it was not necessary for her to be hospitalized”, he explained, to also specify that ñez this would require some additional “studies”.

In regards to, the defense of the former president had also asked if she had returned to prison after having carried out these tests, because he considered that further examinations were necessary to ensure his state of health. “The only thing they did was an evaluation, but she was referred for a cardiological evaluation, a psychiatric exam and a blood test,” he added. they only saw it again and then returned it, ”lamented lawyer Norka Cuéllar.

With information from Europa Press

Read on:

The Bolivian Human Rights Assembly called on Jeanine Áñez to defend herself in full freedom
Former Bolivian President Jeanine Áñez presented an image of the “anxiety depressive syndrome” in prison
Bolivian justice extended by six months the period of detention of former president Jeanine Áñez
Bolivian prosecutor’s office also accuses Jeanine ñez of crimes before her tenure as interim president

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