Former Bolivian President Jeanine ñez has denounced that she suffers from anorexia nervosa and that she is subjected to harassment in the prison where she is being held.


Former Bolivian President Jeanine ñez denounced that she suffers from anorexia nervosa
Former Bolivian President Jeanine ñez denounced that she suffers from anorexia nervosa

Former transitional president of Bolivia Jeanine ñez denounced this Friday, during a hearing, that suffers from anorexia nervosa and is harassed in prison where he is serving his preventive detention for the investigation of the case called “coup”.

During a telematic hearing for the end of preventive detention, The former interim president read her statement, previously explaining that her “memory” is failing her and that he is a “victim of violence and psychological torture”.

“Yesterday I was evaluated by my nutritionist with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, a diagnosis that undoubtedly worsens my malnutrition, ”he said.

Áñez denounced that they provide you with “doubtful” drugs and that on several occasions they caused him a lot of sleep and even hallucinations.

Jeanine Áñez denounced that she was undergoing harassment in the prison where she is serving her preventive detention
Jeanine Áñez denounced that she was undergoing harassment in the prison where she is serving her preventive detention

He also said that a group of women from Miraflores prison, where they are held in pre-trial detention for more than six months they scream and insult him and they even offered “denigrating posters”.

“It is dangerous for me to go down and sunbathe in the prison corridor, which I haven’t done for over a month, naturally these violations of my rights are committed under the insensitive gaze of the prison authorities “, he stressed.

He also argued that the visit of his lawyers is restricted, What could not have a direct interview with his psychiatrist and He has already served his six months of preventive detention.

Former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine ñez (PHOTO: EFE)
Former interim president of Bolivia Jeanine ñez (PHOTO: EFE)

“I guess the government the only thing he’s looking for and going to achieve is my short-term death “, underlined the ex-president.


Añez suffered a decompensation in the middle of the hearing, so it was decided to resume her on Saturday, One of his lawyers, Norka Cuéllar, informed the media.

“In defense, we can not verify the real status of the former president”, denounced the lawyer.

For its part, The prison regime issued a statement indicating that ñez suffered “mild decompensation. which prevented the continuity of his defense ”and that he received the attention of medical personnel.

“At present and under medical report, the deprived of liberty Jeanine Áñez is stable and receives constant medical care by the health personnel of the penitentiary regime ”, reads in the bulletin.

Meanwhile, Carolina Ribera, daughter of the former interim president, denounced that at the hearing, the prosecutor from the state attorney general’s office said her mother is a “theater worker”.

Carolina Ribera Áñez, daughter of former Bolivian president (PHOTO: REUTERS)
Carolina Ribera Áñez, daughter of former Bolivian president (PHOTO: REUTERS)

“I ask you respect, She has never been theatrical and if these decompensations happen to her it is because she is really in a very serious state of crisis “. said Ribera.


The prosecution reported this Friday to have summoned the governor of Santa Cruz, opponent Luis Fernando Camacho, to testify on October 7 as part of the investigation into the so-called “coup” affair for which Áñez is being held.

In the same way Next week, former President Jorge Quiroga, Camacho’s father and businessman Samuel Doria Medina will also state.

After having read the summons, Camacho said “they won’t be able to intimidate us” and that he will continue his work.

Camacho is one of the main defendants in the “coup” case, initiated at the request of the ruling party, and He is under investigation for alleged crimes of conspiracy and destabilization during the social and political crisis of 2019 which led to the resignation of Evo Morales from the presidency denouncing an alleged coup, following the failure of the elections due to allegations of electoral fraud.

The secretary of justice of the government of Santa Cruz, Efraín Suárez, indicated that Camacho did not receive any official summons and said it is a “persecution of those who defended democracy” for which the government of Luis Arce “politically uses” justice.

(With information from EFE)


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Bolivian justice sanctioned Jeanine Áñez for three days without prison visits for not attending a virtual hearing
Bolivian justice refused to prosecute Jeanine Áñez as former president

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