Former Cordovan PJ leader Miguel D’Alessandro has died – News


He had been hospitalized for several weeks for a photo of coronavirus. He accompanies De la Sota in the Peronist Renovation.

Due to complications from a photo of Covid, former Cordovan Peronist leader Miguel D’Alessandro died in the last hours.

With José Manuel de la Sota, in 1985, he founded the renovating movement of Peronism in Cordoba.

In 1984 he was a member of the National Congress of the PJ. Also, secretary general of the Constitutive Convention of 1986 and secretary general of the PJ-Córdoba. He held his last public function as a national deputy.

In the mid-90s, he left political activity to devote himself as a businessman.

According to the family, there will be no vigil and the burial will be in a private ceremony.

After the crossovers between the different leaders, the alliance seeks to avoid clashes that could negatively impact the candidates. They agreed that the rival is Kirchnerism.

It will be this Tuesday in Avellaneda, on the occasion of the delivery of the house number 20 thousand completed in this management. This is the last day the government can make announcements before the election.

The candidate for senator from Frente de Todos argued that the governor of Cordoba had signed a fiscal pact with Macri which proposed to remove these subsidies. “Today they are using it as a campaign slogan,” he said.

The candidate for the senator of the Front de Tout de Cordoba declared Channel 3 that the legislative elections “are not provincial, but national elections”. He assured that the economy “is reactivated”. He defines himself as a “Peronist”.

Latest news from politics and economics

The philosopher and director of the NGO Usina de Justicia spoke with Channel 3 on the insecurity that is rife in the country. It challenges abolitionist criminal theories and separates crime from insecurity.

The former magistrate had been hospitalized for coronavirus and died of respiratory problems. He was intubated in early July due to a worsening of the picture. He was 70 years old and worked in iconic court cases.

The director of the NGO Usina de Justicia, who lost a son, said Channel 3 that abolitionist criminal theories, which are not exclusive to Kirchnerism, are a source of insecurity. “Whoever kills must pay with his freedom,” he said.

Labor Minister Claudio Moroni said so when he defended the extension of the export restriction. “They may earn less,” he said.

The prosecution asked for it. The former civil servant is on trial for having used public money to pay personal and family expenses, while she was secretary for the human environment and sustainable development.

It will be from this Monday. The minimum distance between boys will be 90 centimeters, and three-layer chin straps will be provided in public schools. There will be tests on Sunday for the educational community.

Gabriela Inglese

The journalist of Channel 3, Gabriela Inglese, detailed what the challenges will be in the ninth month of the year. Learn more details.

This happened in the commune of Pudahuel. The man assaulted his partner’s 70-year-old father while he was sleeping under the influence of alcohol.

The victim was 22 years old and working on the family premises when hitmen on motorcycles shot and killed him. So far, no one has been detained.

The famous drink rivaled the big brands. It was created by the Monti brothers, inspired by the success of Coca-Cola.


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