Former Evo Morales minister sued for corruption fled on foot through mountains to Chile where he sought asylum, alleging persecution


Eduardo Peinado Rivero requested political asylum in Chile.
Eduardo Peinado Rivero requested political asylum in Chile.

Chilean authorities have confirmed in recent hours that A former deputy minister of Evo Morales was rescued from a difficult-to-reach area in the north of the country that I seek political asylum in Chile after crossing the border.

Eduardo Peinado Rivero He was rescued with his pet and a woman when they attempted to enter Chile on foot. His rescue occurred in the area of ​​the Licancabur volcano located in the region of San Pedro de Atacama, in the second region of the country. The rescue took place in an area of ​​difficult access and with temperatures reaching eight degrees below zero.

Hairstyle Rivero He was a recognized figure close to the circle of trust of Morales, to such an extent that he was vice-minister of Medium-sized, Large Enterprises and Industry of the former Bolivian president. After this management, he remained detained in San Pedro prison, La Paz, for a possible premium in the Strategic Society Papeles de Bolivia (Papelbol).

According to the presidential delegate of the Antofagasta Region, Daniel Agusto, Upon entering the country, Peinado sought political asylum in Chile, claiming to be a victim of “persecution”.

“He claims political persecution in his country. Logically, there is a complex situation, because of the conditions in which he entered, ”explained the authority.

Hairdressing He is admitted to Carlos Cisternas Hospital, in the town of Calama, after being discovered suffering from hypothermia and dehydration, according to El Mercurio.

Peinado’s companion alerted the police to where the deputy was to allow his rescue.

These people were in a fairly deep ravine, in a location relatively far from a vehicular access road.», Declared the head of the National Defense of Antofagasta, the Brigadier General of the Air (A) Pedro Nadeau Pavez.

During the operation deployed by the Chilean authorities to rescue the former Bolivian authority, personnel from various municipalities, firefighters and even members of the Police Special Operations Group (BEPG).

The case behind Eduardo Peinado

Peinado was an official close to Evo Morales.  REUTERS / Patricia Pinto DOES NOT SELL.  NO FILE
Peinado was an official close to Evo Morales. REUTERS / Patricia Pinto DOES NOT SELL. NO FILE

According to the Bolivian daily El Deber, former deputy minister Peinado was sued for the case of the alleged over-price of USD 7,453,000 for the purchase of equipment in the Strategic Society Papeles de Bolivia (Papelbol). This public enterprise was forged during the period of Peinado’s leadership, by means of Supreme Decree 29255 of September 5, 2007. Then its installation was ordered in Villa Tunari, in the Chapare of Cochabamba.

This same media assured that between 27 and 28 November 2007, the general manager of Papelbol, Antonio Camberos Bolaños, gave the green light to the hiring file, thus authorizing “the start and continuation of the hiring process direct, with the exception of machines and equipment intended for stationery ”.

On December 6, 2007, the hiring of the Brazilian company D’Andrea Agrimport Importacao e Comercio Ltda was recommended, the next day this assignment was processed. A month later, Bolaños and the host of the Rio de Janeiro organization, Roberto Falascina, “They signed the administrative contract which provided for the supply of machines, installation and assembly”.

However, over time none of this would have materialized. The company would not have performed the contract, regardless of the fact that the Bolivian state had invested USD 13,571,010. For that is that Bolaños and Peinados were brought to justice for the crimes of “abuse of influence, dereliction of duty and uneconomical conduct”.

Finally, in 2014 The Bolivian justice annulled the alternative measures against Peinado by sending him to La Paz prison. Over the months, the former deputy minister managed to get himself under house arrest but these days this benefit was going to be revoked so that he returned to prison. In the midst of this situation, Peinado escaped from Bolivia and crossed into Chile.


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