Former IMF Director: "They have put too much faith in the markets" | Chronic


Former Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the Western Hemisphere, Claudio Loserbadured that "The government can not control the situation and can not change the fear of the markets." "He trusted markets too much "Loser, said Tuesday in a radio interview conducted by FM La Patriada. Despite this, he said that instability is a consequence of the outcome of the PASS last Sunday.

The economist badured that the worldor "thrown on the shelf" to the president Mauricio Macri. "The government has too much market support.From the end of 2017, the executive has misinterpreted the market."he said.

The instability, which according to the former director of the IMF is a consequence of PASO, is due to him, notably because "Alberto Fernández had contradictory statements about the markets. " "These are the markets that worry about the fundamentals of kirchnerism, the government can not control the situation, nor change the fear of the markets", Loser said.

The economist also said that a possible waiver in the event of violation by Argentina would make the international markets more nervous and that "humor" of these depends on "how is behaving Argentina. "


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