Former pastor earns fortune in sex industry


She left the Church and entered the sex industry through OnlyFans, where she has a legion of paid followers.

Nikole Mitchell made a drastic change in her ways when she quit being a six-year celibate Christian pastor to earn as much as $ 100,000 a month in the industryof sex.

As reported by the British newspaper The sun, This mother of three children defines herself on her Instagram account as “stripper, motivator and model”.


It is dedicated to the sex industry.

Mitchell left the Church in 2017 due to rejection of his bisexuality and ethnicity, and moved from Ohio State to California, United States, where he earns (and apparently easily) his life of its supporters. Account in Only fans.

The woman has raised a fortune by offering her followers Only fans sex-related content in exchange for a paid subscription.

While many activities entered recession in 2020 due to the coronavirus, Nikole did not hurt at all.

He ensured that 2020 had achieved many of his dreams, including going viral and starting to make more money in a month than he charged in a year thanks to the sex in OnlyFans.


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