Former PDVSA director appears hanged after confessing in front of a judge


Juan Carlos Márquez, former executive of the Venezuelan oil company PDVSA in the time of Hugo Chávez, was found hanged in a house near Madrid, shortly after making a statement to a criminal judge for his involvement in a money laundering project. 39, silver. He was arrested last Thursday at the airport and questioned by a judge the next day. Marquez had been released with precautionary measures because he had confessed his crimes in court.

The case concerns the former ambbadador of Spain to Venezuela, Raúl Morodo, and his son, Alejo Morodo, for receiving 4.5 million euros from PDVSA in exchange for giving false advice in Europe. The judge in charge of the investigation is Santiago Pedraz, of the national court, who had questioned Friday the new late Marquez. He had been arrested at the Madrid airport for his involvement in the money laundering scheme the day before. Resident in Venezuela and of Spanish nationality, the deceased was secretary general of PDVSA companies at the time of Hugo Chávez, at which time Morodo was ambbadador of Spain to Caracas. Márquez signed with Alejo Morodo contracts worth € 4.5 million, including Carlos Prada, partner of Alejo Morodo in Spain, and the late Márquez in a real estate company. Panamanian having served screen The money has arrived in Madrid.

Márquez was a fugitive in Spain since the national police on May 20 unveiled the money laundering scheme that led to the arrest of Alejo Morodo, his partner Carlos Prada Gómez and their wives. Raúl Morodo, ambbadador to Venezuela under the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero and also professor of constitutional law, was not arrested because of his advanced age? 84 years? but the judge cited him as having been the subject of an investigation and appears as the leader of the plot.

After his arrest Thursday at the Madrid airport in the United States, Márquez was jailed and Friday in front of the National Court Judge, Mr. Santiago Pedraz, who opened the investigation into the case. case. Márquez was released with the ban on leaving Spain. The lifeless body of Márquez, 48, was found Sunday in a house in Alcobendas, in the state of Madrid. Judge José de la Mata, replacing Pedraz JA, ordered the circumstances of the death to be investigated.


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