Former Pentagon agent who leaked UFO videos accused US government of wanting to discredit him


Luis Elizondo, a former Pentagon agent who leaked three unidentified flying object (UFO) videos years ago, accused the US Department of Defense of wanting to discredit him to prevent the truth from being known about this type of phenomenon.

According to the Politico portal, the specialist, who for nine years led the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, presented a 64-page trial before an independent watchdog May 3. In the letter, he accused the Pentagon of defamation and even claimed that a senior official threatened to tell people he was mad.

According to the aforementioned media, Elizondo’s troubles began in 2017, when he provided the New York Times with videos of three UFOs published by the newspaper. On this occasion, the ex-agent defended the existence of ships that use technology superior to humans. It was then, he said, that the threats started.

“What my client says in his trial is that some people from the Defense Ministry they attacked him and lied about him publicly, using the protection of the authority of their offices to demean and discredit him, ”said the specialist’s lawyer.

Among other crimes, Elizondo exposed several senior Pentagon officials for “Malicious activities, coordinated disinformation, professional misconduct, retaliation against whistleblowers and explicit threats”. He also said he had various evidence of a “coordinated effort to hide the truth from the American people” in connection with the UFO phenomenon.

In recent statements to the New York Post, the former agent described UFOs as objects that can fly at nearly 18,000 kilometers per hour and turn instantly, an impossible maneuver for the most advanced military aircraft. “Doing the same for our ships would take about half of the state of Ohio,” he said.

He also argued that they have the ability to travel almost flush with the Earth’s surface or 80,000 feet high. “When you see this, you recognize that you are dealing with more advanced technology than ours,” he said.

Finally, he revealed that the objects he had sighted “They have no wings, no cabins, no rudders, no rivets on the surface, no obvious signs of propulsion, and somehow they are able to defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity.


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