Former policeman arrested for killing minor in public altercation


Reference image.  In Yarumal, Antioquia, alias 'Maicol', one of the main leaders of the ELN, was captured.  Photo: Colprensa.
Reference image. In Yarumal, Antioquia, alias ‘Maicol’, one of the main leaders of the ELN, was captured. Photo: Colprensa.

Bogotá Metropolitan Police confirmed on Tuesday that the capture of a former policeman who allegedly murdered a minor, and injured two other people, in the middle of a brawl recorded on July 11.

The facts were clarified by Colonel Jairo Baquero Puentes, deputy commander of the Metropolitan Police of Bogotá, who, through a video, declared that “last Sunday an act of intolerance was presented inside a public establishment in Ciudad Bolívar, jurisdiction of CAI Candelaria. There, a person uses a firearm after fighting with other citizens ”.

As reported by the institution, the captured man used a long Ruger 38 revolver, with expired pass, With which he took the life of a young man of 17, at the same time as he injured two other people, those of legal age.

“The National Police apprehends the person responsible for the act and issues a summons for the provisional suspension of activity at the public establishment for ten days. It was made available to the general prosecutor’s office and sheltered from an insurance measure “Colonel Baquero added in this regard.

In this way, the authorities deny the early versions of the story, which indicated that the ex-man in uniform, initially identified as Jany Marcelo Gómez PulgarÍn, opened fire on four people who would have entered his home with the intention of stealing. According to this story, the death toll was three people.

/ Metropolitan Police of Bogotá

This is not the only scandal perpetrated by a member of the institution so far this week. In parallel is the case of six police officers who were prosecuted last Monday July 12 for the kidnapping of a citizen, also south of Bogotá.

They are Colonel Gavino Humberto Gamboa Correa, Mayor Johnathan Giraldo Aguilar, Deputy Stewards Jhon Fredy Velandia Mesa and Sandra Liliana Martínez Chacón; and patrol officers William Eduardo Pérez Roncancio and Juan Diego Gañan Castaño, all assigned to traffic police and accused of depriving a citizen of liberty on April 29.

According to the investigative body, “the victim was in front of his residence in the San Bernardino district of the municipality of Bosa, when he was allegedly approached by four men and a woman, dressed in civilian clothes, who introduced themselves as members of the National Police, apparently with a false search warrant, as part of an alleged investigation which was underway for theft and concealment offenses ”.

Later, two of the men in uniform searched and found $ 1,490,000 in cash and they took it as possible evidence, while others placed the victim in one of the two official vehicles in which they were being transported, investigating him for items stolen from an officer’s home.

The prosecution also indicated that the affected man was detained for several hours and transferred to the municipality of Cucunubá (Cundinamarca), where it is alleged that the defendants tortured, beat and threatened him with death with machetes during a first escape attempt. The man regained his freedom after an aimless journey, during which he managed to escape and get help from the peasants in the area.

During the preliminary hearings, the entity indicted the six men in uniform, as co-perpetrators, for the offenses of simple aggravated kidnapping, torture, material falsification of a public act aggravated by use, robbery and aggravated, aggravated violation of personal data, abuse of authority by arbitrary and unjust act, and embezzlement by use. None of the accused accepted their responsibility.

The 71st municipal criminal judge with the function of monitoring guarantee of Bogotá accepted the request of the accusing entity and insurance measure in penitentiary establishment against the six defendants. The defense appealed against this decision.


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