Former political prisoners of Castroism, exiled leaders and Latin American leaders detailed the Cuban regime’s crimes against humanity


In the picture, Cuba's Democratic Chief Executive Officer Orlando Gutiérrez.  EFE / Giorgio Viera / Archives
In the picture, Cuba’s Democratic Chief Executive Officer Orlando Gutiérrez. EFE / Giorgio Viera / Archives

The Miami city hall hosted this Saturday the conference “Review of the criminal regime of Cuba”, where the “crimes against humanity” committed by the Cuban regime were analyzed and leaders in exile, Latin American leaders and former political prisoners from the island intervened.

The conference was organized the International Commission for Justice Cuba and the Continental Front for Freedom, formed last March and composed of politicians, NGOs, former diplomats and academics from fifteen Latin American countries.

Orlando Gutiérrez, head of the Cuban Democratic Directory in exile, assured at the end of the event that The main achievement of this meeting is that the recognition of the right of the Cuban people to “their own representation in their struggle for freedom” was achieved as a “legal instrument”.

“The Cuban Justice Commission and the Hemispheric Front for Freedom have called on the parliaments of the free world to recognize the Congress of the Cuban Nation and the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance as legitimate representatives of the Cuban people,” he said. -he declares.

This effort received the support of former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe, who showed in a video reproduced during the conference his “admiration for the heroism and perseverance” of the Cuban exile in the struggle for democracy in his country.

The person responsible for giving way to the various testimonies given during the conference was Luis Zúñiga, who spent 19 years in Cuban prisons and lived in exile in the United States for about 30 years.

Artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara arbitrarily detained and held incommunicado in a hospital for the Cuban regime
Artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara arbitrarily detained and held incommunicado in a hospital for the Cuban regime

One of these testimonies was that of Orlando Fonseca, founder of the platform “Despierta Angola”, who denounced that the military intervention of Cuba in this country caused the “worst massacre” of this African nation and one of the most serious in recent human history. . “Angola has lost its true independence and its democracy because of the intervention in Cuba, which has taken a terrible toll on tens of thousands of people murdered, let’s hope that one day they will obtain justice,” said the activist. human rights.

Berta Antúnez, activist and sister of former political prisoner Jorge Luis García Pérez, better known as Antúnez, presented the case of Misael Díaz Paseiro, released from prison a few weeks ago after three years in prison. Díaz Paseiro showed in a video his willingness to continue the fight, despite the “torture” suffered during his stay in prison and the alleged attacks on his personal home and family by the Cuban regime, and urged the people of the island to a “national strike” to confront the government of Havana.

Journalist Gelet Fragela also intervened, which shed light on the case of her DNA Cuba partner Esteban Rodríguez and artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, who she said were victims of arbitrary detention and abuse of from the Cuban government..

Miami Mayor Francis Suárez.  EFE / Giorgio Viera / Archives
Miami Mayor Francis Suárez. EFE / Giorgio Viera / Archives

“The head of the serpent in our hemisphere is Cuba, and we can, God willing, face this serpent and defeat it, because what the people of our countries are suffering from is due to an ideology which is the worst fraud perpetuated in the world. humanity, ”said Francis Suárez, Mayor of Miami, when announcing the event.

The conference will feature several political figures from the continent, such as the Costa Rican MP Dragos Dolanescu, who is also party chairman Costa Rica Fair and general secretary of Hemispherical front for freedom. They are also joining the event Ricardo godoy, deputy of El Salvador Legislative Assembly for the Arena Party; the member of the Dominican congress Elie Wessin, of Quisqueyano Christian Democratic Party; the lawyer René Bolio, president of the Mexican Commission on Human Rights and some International Commission for Justice Cuba, e Hipólito ramirez, president of the Dominican Democratic Council.

There is a serious problem in Latin America, where totalitarian communist regimes are supporting change to evil in many of our countries, they are attacking our freedom and democracy in every way they can.“said the Mexican Bolio. “So if they do it in an organized and concerted manner, we have to respond by telling the truth and exposing what is going on.“He added.


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