Former President Mohamed Morsi died in court while he was being tried


L & # 39; Islamist Mohamed Mursi, The first president elected democratically in Egypt in 2012 and belonging to the movement of Muslim Brothers, died Monday after a court hearing in Cairo, six years after his dismissal.

According to the international news agency AFP, the former president arrested since 2013 has collapsed after speaking Monday in court and He was taken to the hospital where he died.

A statement from the prosecution explained: "The court accepted the right to speak for five minutes. He fell to the ground on the accused's bench and was promptly taken to the hospital."Where he is dead." He arrived at the hospital at precisely 4:50 pm and had no visible injuries on his body, "added the same sources.

Mursi, a 67-year-old engineer from a peasant family, was the first Egyptian president elected democratically for a short period between 2012 and 2013, before being removed from office by the army. .

The Islamist ruler was jailed after his dismissal, then sued for several cases, including spying for Iran, Qatar, and militant groups such as Hamas in Gaza. He has also been accused of fomenting acts of terrorism.

When consulted by the AFPAbdelmoneim Abdel Maksud, one of his lawyers, said: "We could not see him in court because of the soundproof glbad (from the wall), but other inmates told us that he had no more heartbeat"

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, ally of the former Islamist president, paid tribute calling him a "martyr" and accusing the ruling "tyrants" in Egypt of being dead.

"The story will not forget the bullies who took him to death, imprisoned him and threatened to execute him.Erdogan said in a speech on television in Istanbul.

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The Party of Freedom and Justice, political branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, He also accused the Egyptian authorities of "slow murder", denouncing the "bad conditions" of the detention of Mursi.

In the presidential election of 2012, Mursi was presented as the guarantor of the democratic ideals of the 2011 revolt unleashed by liberal and secular youth, but to which the Muslim Brotherhood had joined, opportunistically according to some badysts.

Nicknamed "the spare wheel", the last-minute replacement for the first Muslim Brotherhood election, businessman Jairat Al Shater narrowly won the elections before the Hosni Mubarak regime's cacique.

The simple and affable lifestyle of Mursi, married with five children, had contributed to a certain state of grace during the first months of his presidency.

But he quickly won the wrath of a large part of the population who accused him of being a "puppet" of the Brothers, helping them to monopolize power, while being unable to restore security or revive an economy hard. affected.

"He was perceived as the puppet of the Brothers, whose members he placed in administrative positions, which irritated the bureaucracy and the population.said Mustafa Kamel Al Sayid, a political scientist.

The crises followed one another and one year after his election on June 30, 2013, millions of Egyptians took to the streets to demand his resignation.

His enemy, the former army chief, General Abdel Fatah Al Sissi, took advantage of this situation to justify the dismissal of Mursi three days later and launch a bloody crackdown on his supporters.

Police and soldiers killed more than 1,400 pro-Mursi demonstrators in a few months. Hundreds of people have been sentenced to death, in quick and mbad trials, described by the UN as "unprecedented in recent history".

Since his dismissal, Mursi has been sentenced to a total of 45 years in prison in two cases: inciting violence against protesters at the end of 2012 and spying for Qatar.

During his trial, he appeared on the bench behind a window that isolated the sound to avoid his diatribes, which did not prevent him from presenting himself with a sometimes forced air of martial, at the same time. like the president, victim of a military coup d'etat.



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