Formosa: The IACHR has lifted the precautionary measures concerning pregnant women | “There is no element which indicates that there was hostility or aggression”, specifies the text


The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has decided to lift the precautionary measures granted on April 16 in Formosa 7 indigenous women who have decided to hide in the bush for fear of being separated from their babies by the health system of the province on the basis of the application of specific protocols by covid 19. In its resolution, the agency estimated that “pregnant women have given birth and there is no evidence that there was hostility or aggression during the birth process or similar situations such as those reported by the representation before the granting of provisional measures. »For his part, the Secretary for Human Rights of the Nation, Horacio Piatragalla Corti, said PageI12 that “we feel that what we told the IACHR is confirmed, that the data of the victims has never been. Firstly, the complaint had 70 cases, they were reduced to 7 and it was found that all the women had given birth with a medical history in Formosa except one is in Salta and with access to health.“.

The IACHR says in its resolution the following: “(…) available information indicates that pregnant women have given birth and there is no evidence that there was hostility or aggression during the delivery process or similar situations such as those indicated by the representation before the granting of provisional measures “. And adds that “Regarding the beneficiary identified as X5, the representation reported that she lost her child. However, no information has been provided that would allow an analysis of the particular circumstances of the pregnancy process, especially when the State itself has requested to find it and provide a response to these precautionary measures.

Arguments of representation –Follow the text of the organization– were characterized by their general nature and the repetition of information prior to the granting of provisional measures (…). The Commission observes in this direction, that the factual framework which gave rise to these provisional measures has been substantially modified, and at this stage, for the Commission, It is not possible to identify specific and current information that supports the validity of regulatory requirements. under section 25 of the Regulations. (…) In short, given the previous analysis, the Commission decides to lift these protective measures.

Pietragalla told this newspaper that to his eyes, “The IACHR was quick to grant the precautionary measure, perhaps because of the trust it has in the former human rights secretary of María Eugenia Vidal, But What they do not measure is that today there is political speculation on the issue of human rights and we have a very broad commitment“.

Finally, he assured that “both the Commission and Any international organization will have our collaboration, but this stems from a terrible media operation by Grupo Clarin and those responsible for macrismo. It was all a circus, like many things that come to Formosa “.

The notice

“After an exhaustive procedure which required several reports prepared by the authorities of Formosa and the Secretariat for Human Rights, among other national organizations, such as the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Indigenous Affairs, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights issued a resolution in which it decided to lift the precautionary measures it had issued on April 16. The overwhelming decision of the IACHR was adopted unanimously on Sunday July 11 and was communicated to the State last Tuesday at the 13th hour, ”said the statement released by the Secretariat for Human Rights.

And he continues: “In his resolution, the IACHR recognizes that the factual framework that had been assessed for issuing provisional measures had not been verified during the international process. In other words, that the very serious international complaint lodged by the indigenous leader Félix Díaz and Santiago Cantón, did not demonstrate the specific situations of pregnant women who did not have adequate medical care, that they were hidden in the bush out of fear, threats or harassment against them, or even less that there were cases of babies separated from their mother at birth ”.

“The Inter-American Commission also severely questions the petitioners’ lack of collaboration in providing precise information that would allow the identification of women who were supposed to be protected and positively values ​​the effort made by the state to verify whether there is had any person who did not receive the corresponding medical care ”, specifies the text. And he adds that “the Commission notes that the State has provided documentary support that refers to the health care that the beneficiaries would have received during their pregnancy, if applicable. (…) [La Comisión observa que la representación no ha brindado soporte documentario alguno que permita indicar que, incluso después de su embarazo, las personas beneficiarias se encuentren en una situación de riesgo (…). En tal sentido, no se ha proporcionado información que indique, por ejemplo, que el Estado les venga negando atención en salud o la atención en salud que recibirían actualmente no sería idónea o efectiva según lo que prescriban los médicos competentes”.


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