Fortnite: confirmed date and time of the beginning of the season 5 | Epic Games Trade | Technology and science


The success that was achieved Fortnite is indescribable. It has been confirmed that this video game created by Epic Games has reached the highest point of the world surpbading the epic Minecraft and now all await the update of the [5th season 5 which has already a date confirmed Premiere.

As you recall, on June 30 a unique event occurred in the history of the game and that (finally) the rocket was launched in the space that promised to 39 bring novelty; However, not everything was as expected by users since something amazing happened that the same artifact created a dimensional portal in the sky. Because? The answer we still do not know.

In the last days, because of this event, new "skins" have been added so that players can use them in player-versus-player games and have something to do with it. History and the next enemy that has been talked about a lot in social networks, the "great Leviathan".

Now we are going to what really matters for the moment and that is Season 5 of Fortnite will begin on July 12 and start at 3:00 AM (Time Peruvian) and will last ten weeks until 20 September.

What do we know about Season 5? For the moment nothing more than a "document leaked" by an employee of Epic Games that was sent back once this revealed letter in which it was detailed that a "giant monster" would appear before the end of season 4 and that would give This is the next update from Fortnite .

Hours of the Fortnite update of Season 5

Peru: 03:00 hours
Mexico: 02:00 hours
] Spain: 10:00 hours
Colombia: 03:00 hours
Argentina: 05:00 hours
United States: 02:00 hours
Chile: 05:00 hours

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