Fortune and family business Kirchner, from exuberance to decadence – 07/05/2018


When Cristina Kirchner came to power, she admitted with her husband a patrimony of 6,851,810 pesos. But in the following years, he came to declare rental income of up to 10 million pesos a year. Since leaving Casa Rosada, with the advance of court cases, his fortune has seen a sharp decline: embargoes, property bans, vehicles delivered to the state, frozen accounts, kidnapped money and, yesterday,

In her first affidavit as president, Cristina reported badets of $ 17,824.94 million. In just twelve months, this fortune jumped to 46,036,711 pesos, or 158% more

In 2009, she declared the sale of 16 properties for 14, 5 million pesos and bank deposits for 32.2 million. In addition, Kirchner created the company Hotesur, today investigated for the alleged money laundering. From here, they also had real estate Los Sauces, with the participation of Máximo Kirchner. Shortly thereafter, they signed several leases with Cristóbal López and Lázaro Báez, which allowed them to make a profit of 31.5 million pesos between 2009 and 2015. The network of companies surveyed by the The courts were already starting to operate

It already owned badets for 55,537,290 pesos, including the resorts administered by Valle Miter, of Báez. When it included the inherited badets of Néstor, these annual increases were circumstantial reversed, but in 2014 admitted a capital of 64 million pesos, which were already 77 million a year later.

But 2015 was a year of rupture. For the first time, justice has attacked his company Hotesur, for investigation for money laundering. The situation revealed various irregularities in the company. Out of power, she was summoned to her first inquiry into the future dollar case. Judge Claudio Bonadio prosecuted her and impounded him for 15 million pesos, and then, in March 2016, Cristina declared that she was giving all her belongings to her children in equal shares. Justice is investigating whether the movement has not sought fraudulent insolvency, to avoid the precautionary measures that began to rain on its patrimony.

. In 2016, Bonadio caused the first cimbronazo to the commercial structure of Kirchner, when the real estate agency intervened and took to Maximo the power to administer his father's inheritance. The former president and his children have stopped controlling the bank accounts of the company and collect rents. This intervention continues: Cristina and her children stay away from the administration of their business and have lost their main tenants, López and Báez. In fact, the company started to divest. Meanwhile, new legal measures have affected the former president: Judge Julian Ercolini seized $ 4.6 million from a safe in the name of his daughter Florencia

The decline is also happened in the hotels: the Patagonian house Los Sauces It closed after Panatel, of the family Relats, stopped to administer it. The others, who started managing their historical partner "Bochi" Sanfelice, were yesterday in the hands of the justice, which intervened in his signature Idea. Already no friendly look business watches K.

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