Four products used in China to treat the face


The the skin Asian women is the envy of the rest of the planet. Especially in China, they have a variety of skin care products. Many can be found anywhere in the world, although they are not used to taking care of their face.

"For Chinese women, facial skin is the best indicator of beauty and girls teach us how to use natural products, although it is necessary to follow several steps and that the effects be given gradually", explained Wan Xuan Sun, exmodelo china, to the Chilean magazine Paula.

One of the secrets of Chinese women to take care of their face lies in what they drink. The green tea, one of her favorite infusions, has an anti-inflammatory effect and contains a significant number of antioxidants that help remove impurities from the body.

Another of his tips is to use rice water to wash your face. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases the firmness and levels the texture of the skin.

"In addition to Eliminates impurities and moisturizes skin, helps reduce blackheads. You must put a bowl under the cold water tap and wash a handful of rice. The water flowing into the bowl is stored and applied to the face with a cotton ball, "said the ex-model.

To complete this cleaning, use Jade rolls, a face acupressure mbadager. They are very effective at reducing swelling of the face, stimulating blood circulation and draining toxins.

Finally, facial masks It is one of the first beauty rites that Chinese girls learn from girls well. The two most popular products used to prepare them are mung beans (a type of chaucha) and goji berries.


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