Four suspects arrested for piracy of Moro mobile phone in Brazil | Internationale


The Brazilian authorities on Wednesday revealed details of the operation that ended the arrest the day before four suspects hacking the motives of Justice Minister Sergio Moro and prosecutor Star Delagnol Dallagnol. Federal police investigators claimed that, in addition to the minister's and Dallagnol's phones, the alleged hackers had access to more than a thousand phone numbers from the authorities of the three powers and journalists. The agents also explained that those arrested were suspected of belonging to an organization that had already committed an "electronic banking scam" and "credit and debit card fraud".

The operation, dubbed "Spoofing", resulted in the arrest of disc jockey Gustavo Henrique Elias Santos, 28, and his wife, Suelen Priscila de Oliveira, 25 years old. According to the judge, the marriage has moved in a few months more than 600 000 reais ($ 159,000), amount that would be inconsistent with their income Ariovaldo Moreira, the couple 's lawyer, said that his clients do not. had no connection with illegal access to mobile phones by the authorities. He however badured that Gustavo would have messages from the authorities on a friend's mobile phone.

The operation also put an end to the arrest of Cristiano Marques, 33, and Walter Delgatti Neto, 30 years old. The latter confirmed to the federal police that he had participated in the hacking of mobile phones from Moro, Dallagnol and other authorities, as published the Brazilian newspaper Or globo.

For Federal Judge Vallisney de Souza Oliveira, who issued arrest warrants from Brasilia, "there is strong evidence that investigators are part of an organization that commits crimes and has gathered together to violate secrecy. of several telephone communications.The Brazilian public authorities are hacking the Telegram application. "In addition, the magistrate wrote in his resolution that" the facts reported by the police authorities show that the respondents are likely to be part of ". a criminal organization and to have committed serious crimes ".

However, at no time did either the federal police investigators or the magistrate indicate that there was a link between the alleged the hackers, in pre-trial detention, and messages exchanged by Sergio Moro – the judge who sentenced former president Lula da Silva to prison – and prosecutors Lava Jato operation, obtained by L & # 39; interception and disclosed in conjunction with other media such as Folha de S. Paulo and the weekly Veja. Its content, which has been made public by strangers since June 9, notably exposes Judge Moro, who was then judge, guiding the prosecution, which is illegal under Brazilian law.

Nevertheless, Moro, head of the federal police, used his twitter account lay charges and badociate detainees with journalists. "I congratulate the Federal Police for the investigation conducted on the group of the hackers, as well as the Ministry of Finance and Federal Justice. They are people with criminal records, involved in various types of crimes. People who were the source of trust of those who divulged the alleged messages obtained criminally, "he wrote.

Moro said his mobile phone was hacked on June 6 for six hours, during which time criminals would have had access to their messaging apps. The first series of reports L & # 39; interception It was published five days later. Journalists in these media did not know their source or how they received private messages, but said they received the information a few weeks before the day Moro reported being hacked.

Judge Vallisney de Souza Oliveira states that the hackers they managed to enter the authorities' telegram since "access to the code sent by the application servers for the synchronization of the Telegram Web service". In addition, according to the magistrate, "Telegram allows the user to request the access code by means of a phone call with subsequent sending of a voice call containing the code". activation of the web service, whose message is recorded in the voice mailbox of the victims. "With that, the judge continues," the hacker then call the number in question several times to keep the line busy and the call with the Telegram web service activation code will end up in the victim's mailbox. "


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