Four things you do each morning and grow


Maintaining a healthy weight depends on many factors and, although eating is one of the fundamental principles, This is not the only custom that can affect this problem. There are things you surely do in the morning that make you fat without you knowing it.

For starters, you probably do not sleep much. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended a sleep period of 7 to 8 hours, but this goal is far from being achieved, both in Argentina and around the world. In fact, in most countries, there has been decrease in hours spent resting.

Lack of sleep is badociated with an increased risk of overweight and obesity, while lack of sleep is with difficulties to lose weight. That's why, if you do not sleep the good hours, losing weight can cost you more than usual. A statement corroborated by an experience of the team of Xuewen Wang, University of South Carolina (US), published in the magazine The sleep.

Another habit that can make you fat is not to be in contact with the sun's rays. Sunlight activates the metabolismso that with only 30 minutes of raised blinds or open curtains, you can make a difference.

A habit related to diet and fattening is skip breakfast. You may think that if you consume fewer calories, you can lose weight, but this principle is not quite correct. In reality, the important thing is to have a balanced diet and not spend several hours fasting, because it can be counterproductive, and even more after sleep.

"Breakfast is the time when you have to activate the body and the metabolism to do the day's activities, it provides energy and, when it is of quality, it also provides essential nutrients ; when we blow it up, we accumulate hunger and anxiety that leads us to consume more at lunch", badured nutritionist María Belén Deffelippo Tegaldo (MN 8.076), in a previous interview with Comfort.

Finally, another essential way to maintain weight is have control. From time to time, it is advisable to weigh oneself, always on the same scale, to know in what state you are. This should not become an obsession and should not be done daily, but it should be done as usual twice a week. Keep in mind the retention of water, so it is convenient to go to the bathroom beforehand.


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