Four years after Laguna del Sauce air tragedy, relatives seek justice | Chronic


Four years after the plane crash in Laguna del Sauce, in Punta del Este, in which eight pbadengers died who were traveling in the plane, the relatives of the victims seek justice and ask that they be killed. a preventable tragedy will not happen again.

On Thursday, March 19, 2015, the aircraft Beechcraft King Air B90 with an Argentine registration plate was to return to the country from Punta del Este, but when he left at 20:35, thirty seconds after taking off, the ship sank on Laguna del Sauce. and it was set on fire, resulting in the deaths of eight pbadengers and two pilots.

According to reports of the Commission of Investigation of Accidents and Aircraft Incidents of Uruguay, the aircraft (owned by the companies Droguería Meta, Inversiones Locales and Dihermo) was not in working order.

And there were irregularities such as legally disabled services, illegal modifications in the configuration of the aircraft to be able to carry more pbadengers, pilots without authorization, without experience or lack of rest, spoiled spare parts and an unfulfilled maintenance, said the relatives of the victims in a statement.

On the other hand lawyer of the relatives of the victims, Javier Salerno, he stressedThe plane should never have left Buenos Aires. Family members want the culprits to be punished and justice done. Many widows do not work, many minors have been left without their parents, so they also demand fair economic compensation. After producing a tremendous amount of evidence, we have been in the cause for three years. To reach a judgment in the first instance, five more years can pbad. To the emotional burden of relatives add the apathy of those responsible and the inefficiency of justice ".


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