Foxes appeared near Temple Mount, a sign of biblical prophecy | Chronic


The appearance of some foxes near the Temple Mount is considered a reminder of the biblical prophecy of the third Jewish temple. The presence of these wandering animals near the western wall of the holiest site of Judaism in the Old City of Jerusalem indicates that the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is materializing.

Video footage posted earlier last week shows dozens of foxes coming in and out of the southwestern corner of the park from sunrise to sunset, according to many reports. The image of the foxes on the site of the Jewish temple appears in Lamentations 5:18, of which the King James version says: "Because of Mount Sion being sorry, foxes are walking on it."Whatever the case may be, some translations indicate that the animals in this verse are "jackals".

The recent observation of these foxes running in the gardens of the Temple reminds us in a timely manner the desolation experienced by the Jews.

From the evening of Saturday, August 10, the Jewish people observed Tisha B'Av, the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av, the saddest day of the Jewish calendar.

That day, the Jews mark the apogee of the Three Weeks, a period of mourning marking the destruction of the first and second Jewish temple. During this time, they fast as a people, deprive themselves and pray.


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