France confirms taxation of large technology companies despite Trump's warning


The French Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Mairehe insisted that the so-called "GAFA rate" (from Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) "does not only target US companies, but will also affect European or Chinese companies".

The law was promulgated this week and Expects large multinationals to pay 3% of their turnover in the countries in which they operate and not only those who choose their headquarters, because the tax conditions are more favorable.

"France will apply this rate voted unanimously in Parliament"said The Mayor, who explained that the tax would affect all technology companies charging more than 750 million euros in France, not just Americans.

The minister revealed that President Emmanuel Macron had discussed the matter with Trump yesterday and said he was confident that the two countries would reach an agreement that could be signed at the G7 summit in Biarritz, and then make the announcement. the subject of a universal agreement within the OECD. before the end of 2020.

From the moment there is a global agreement to apply this rate at the global level, France will give up its own tax, he explained.

"The current situation is unacceptable and our goal is to equitably impose digital activity in the world", said the minister, according to the EFE agency.

Yesterday, Trump had claimed that he would take "substantial reciprocal actions" against France and suggested that they would be directed against French wine.

"France has just imposed a digital tax on our big US technology companies, so if someone charged them taxes, it must be their home country, the United States. few substantial inter-actions on Macron's stupidity. "Trump promised via Twitter.

The Mayor today expressed his wish that "the issues of digital tariff and tariffs on wine not be mixed", and sent a message of tranquility to the winemakers of his country.


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