France doubts the good effect of ibuprofen


Pharmacological research had started almost a year ago and the first steps began to appear: favor acetaminophen over ibuprofen in case of pain or fever, especially during treatment. infections such as angina, nasopharyngitis, otitis, cough, lungs, etc. and also skin lesions or chicken pox.

Self-medication is one of the fundamental risks: Ibuprofen is sold without a prescription.

In addition, he gave instructions on its use. He recommends using it "with the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time, ending the treatment as soon as the symptoms subside and not extending it for more than three days in case of fever or fever. more than five days, if there is pain. "


The findings of the study started in June 2018 report a series of infections, including streptococci, which could be aggravated by taking these two drugs. These complications were observed after short periods of treatment (two to three days) during which ibuprofen had been ingested (prescription or self-medication) in case of fever, skin inflammation, respiratory or otolaryngology.

In the cases studied, there were 337 infectious complications due to ibuprofen and they had resulted in hospitalizations, leaving sequelae and, in some cases, the death of the patient.

-> A study that started in 2018

The medical centers of Tours and Marseille have been tasked with studying the possible serious infectious complications badociated with the use of ibuprofen in adults and children. The objective was to find out if these complications were favored by the drug and the result generated the warning and the demand for badysis of the situation in Europe.


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