France has again shown the "flying soldier" in the skate that seems to come from "Back to the future"


French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday directed the annual Bastille Day celebration, featuring a soldier who floated in the air on a special board, as well as clashes between police and protesters. the yellows

Although the celebration brought together more than 4,000 elements of the armed forces, 69 planes and 39 helicopters, the most captivating spectators was the man at the table, created by former water ski champion Franky Zapata.

This is not the first time that the Ministry of Defense of France boasts of this invention that seems to come out of the second film of the saga Back to the future: Last year, this had been published on Twitter of the government agency and on the occasion of a meeting on technology and innovation.

This year's parade highlighted the military cooperation of Europe. The flags of the 10 countries participating in the European Intervention Initiative, a military pact created last year, led the parade that crossed the Parisian Avenue of the Champs-Elysees.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the invitation to celebrate the French National Day was "a symbol of the intensification of European cooperation" and a "major gesture for European military policy".

At the parade on July 14, 2017, US President Donald Trump, who was a guest of honor, was so impressed by what he saw that he ordered a military parade in Washington for Independence Day celebrations in the United States.

However, tensions in the streets continued after protests by protesters of the yellow vests movement, opposed to the Macron government and wanting more help for French workers.

Several hundred activists, who did not wear their distinctive yellow phosphorus vest, gathered at the edge of the parade route and were involved in clashes with the police.

Some television footage showed that the police were arresting one of the leaders of the movement, Eric Drouet, while he stood peacefully by the side of the road and escorted him away from the scene.

Meanwhile, Macron organized a lunch at the Elysee with other European leaders.


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