France has launched a contest to recover the needle | Chronic


After the fire of the most famous gothic cathedral of Paris, Notre-Dame, last Monday, the French government plans to recover it in five years, with all the local efforts and foreign donations. As part of this goal, he launched an international competition to rebuild the iconic needle.

Should we rebuild an arrow? In the identical? Adapted to the techniques and issues of our time? An international architectural competition bearing south the reconstruction of the spire of the cathedral will be organized. #Our Lady

– Edouard Philippe (@EPhilippePM)
April 17, 2019

The Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, was instructed to announce the "international competition" architecture to recover the iconic needle and added that the commitment was to complete the work in the temple in five years, as promised by the president Emmanuel Macron.

To the 400 firefighters of Paris who, at the risk of their lives, fought against the flames, with coolness, with method, we expressed the gratitude of the Nation.

– Edouard Philippe (@EPhilippePM)
April 17, 2019


In order to fulfill the dream of making Notre Dame a place in five years, donations are fundamental and growing. In this sense, the Walt Disney Company has announced a donation of $ 5 million. The figure provided by the largest conglomerate of entertainment companies in the world adds up to nearly 900 million euros committed by private individuals, but mostly by a greater fortune of the business environment.

At the same time, the French executive is considering approving new rules to give "transparency" to donations, which will be managed by four agencies that will collaborate with the state: the Notre Dame Foundation, the Heritage Foundation, the Fondation de France and the center of national museums.

The President of the Republic has expressed an ambition. That of rebuilding Notre-Dame de Paris in 5 years. This is obviously a huge challenge. A historical responsibility. The construction of our generation for the generations that will succeed us.

– Edouard Philippe (@EPhilippePM)
April 17, 2019

Notre Dame Cathedral was not insured and it was the responsibility of the French State, which is the insurer of the religious buildings of which it is the owner. For this reason, most of the costs of church restoration will be covered by public funds. However, it is still mysterious to know what will happen to the 67 employees during the closing period of the building.

We are this people of builders. We have so much to rebuild. So, yes, we will rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral, even more beautiful, and I hope it will be completed five years from now, we can. And here too we mobilize.

– Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron)
April 16, 2019


On the other hand, Philippe thanked and reminded that the historic cathedral is still standing thanks to the work of the emergency services. "History will remember that the firefighters of Paris saved Notre-Dame and the artistic, historical and spiritual treasures that she sheltered ", he badured.

Meanwhile, a historical object was found and put at the shelter: the rooster who crowned the central spire of the cathedral. The object was found by restaurateurs, in full catastrophe. It was perhaps the first miracle since the tragedy.


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