France is experiencing a new weekend of demonstrations of "yellow vests"


The "yellow vests" come back this weekend in the streets of the main cities of France, the fourteen consecutive, in which we fear, as in the previous ones, that there will be troubles despite the fact that mobilization has decreased recently.

On the eve of this Sunday the three months from the beginning of November 17 of this movement, which claims measures in favor of the power of purchase and denounces the economic policy of President Emmanuel Macron, this Saturday concentrations are planned in at least one twenty cities from the country.

In Paris, several calls were launched at different times with colorful messages, for example a call to call to "insurrections" and block "as long as possible" the Plaza de l'Etoile, where is the Arc de Triomphe, at the end of the Avenue des Champs-Elysees.

For Sunday, there is also another appointment, in this case declared and will "peaceful", which should leave the Champs-Elysees to end at the Champ de Mars, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.

The Paris police prefecture indicated that the protesters would have a "consequent" security device.

According to figures from the Ministry of the Interior, protests in recent weeks are not only far from the some 290,000 people gathered in its first edition on November 17 across the country. they were losing strength in terms of mobilization.

According to Interior, on September 9, 51,400 demonstrators were in the street, against 84,000 on January 12. However, the "yellow vests" reject this data and claim that Saturday, 118 200 people participated in the demonstrations.

A majority of French wish the end of the movement

In addition, according to a poll released last Wednesday, for the first time since the beginning of the protests a majority of French (56%) want the end of the movement. For 64% of the respondents, the demonstrations moved away from the initial claims.

Yellow vests in Paris.
Yellow vests in Paris.

One of the aspects favorable to the increase of the number of those who oppose the "yellow vests" is the acts of violence that, according to last Tuesday, the Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe, had already led to more than 7,500 arrests and 1,796 convictions. The yellow vests denounce the strong repression of the demonstrations, which left more than a hundred seriously wounded, among them at least 17 who lost an eye and five who lost a hand.

The movement also caused a narrowing in the trade. In the last quarter of 2018, France slowed its economic growth and reduced by one-tenth its gross domestic product (GDP), which coincided with the crisis of "yellow vests".


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