France killed ISIS leader in the Greater Sahara


Islamic State terrorist Adnan Abu Walid al Sahraoui (Screen capture)
Islamic State terrorist Adnan Abu Walid al Sahraoui (Screen capture)

The leader of the jihadist group Islamic State in the Greater Sahara, Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahraoui, he was “neutralized” by the French forces, announced the French president Emmanuel Macron on Twitter overnight from Wednesday to Thursday.

“Adnan Abu Walid al Sahraoui, leader of the terrorist group Islamic State in the Great Sahara, was neutralized by French forces”Macron announced.

Elíseo clarified that the leader of the group, considered responsible for most of the attacks in Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, he was “dead”.

“This is another great success in the fight against terrorist groups in the Sahel”Macron added.

According to the French Minister of Defense, Florence parly, the leader of EIGS “Death after an attack by the Barkhane force”, an anti-jihadist operation deployed by France in the region.

Founded in 2015 by Walid al Sahraoui, former member of the Saharawi Polisario Front and movement Al-Qaeda of the Islamic Maghreb, the EIGS group had been singled out by France as a “priority enemy” in the Sahel.

This area is the usual scene of the actions of two jihadist groups: the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (EIGS) and the Support Group for Islam and Muslims, linked to Al-Qaeda.

EIGS is committed particularly deadly attacks against civilians and soldiers in what is known as the “three border zone”.

A French soldier from the Desert Tactical Group "Belleface" (GTD) speaks with residents of the Gourma region during Operation Barkhane in Ndaki, Mali, July 27, 2019 (REUTERS / Benoit Tessier / File photo)
A French soldier from the Desert Tactical Group (GTD) “Belleface” speaks with residents of the Gourma region during Operation Barkhane in Ndaki, Mali, July 27, 2019. (REUTERS / Benoit Tessier / Photo d ‘ archives)

August 9, 2020, at Niger, the group leader personally ordered the murder of six French humanitarian workers and the Nigerian guide and driver who accompanied them.

Was also wanted by the United States for an October 2017 ambush in southwestern Niger, near Mali, where four US special forces soldiers and four Nigerians were killed.

In June and July, the French army killed or captured various senior officials of the EIGS branch.

After eight years of important ties with the Sahel, the president Macron announced in June a reduction of the French military presence in the region and the end of the anti-jihadist operation Barkhane.

(With information from AFP)

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