France: one dead and six wounded in knife attack – News


At least one person died and six others were wounded in a knife attack at a subway station in Villeurbanne, near Lyon, in south-eastern France, the Rhone prefecture reported on Saturday.

A person was arrested in connection with the events, French media reported, adding that all the badumptions about the nature of the attack remained open.

"The motives are unknown," said the mayor of Lyon, the Socialist Gerard Collomb, who stressed that "this was clearly not a fight because a person attacked the pbadengers who were waiting for the collective indiscriminately".

The local newspaper You progress He reported that a second attacker had fled to a nearby park and that the police were looking for him, although no official source has confirmed him.

The same newspaper quotes a witness who reports that the attacker was armed with a kitchen knife and had begun to attack an officer who was at a bus stop located near the mouth of the subway.

The attack took place around 4:30 pm (11:30 am in Argentina) at the Laurent-Bonnevay metro station in Villeurbanne, which was closed seven minutes later, the EFE news agency reported.

According to the newspaper Le Figaro, the deceased was a 19-year-old man and three of the wounded are in critical condition.

About fifty firefighters and members of the emergency teams went to the site to treat the wounded.

The bus and metro lines of Lyon and Villeurbanne remain concerned by the security operation in which the military also participate, according to Le Progres.


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