France receives black boxes from crashed Boeing 737 in Ethiopia


Ethiopia sent to France the black boxes of Boeing Co. 737 that crashed, with the intention of decoding them. He initially refused to hand them over to the US authorities, who were maintaining Max's model operations after most other regulators had decided to immobilize these vessels.

Recorders ofFlight and cabin data arrived in Paris, where they will be treated by the BEA, the French authority responsible for air accident investigations, said a spokesman for the agency. The BEA will download data for the Ethiopian authorities, but has not yet been invited to badyze them, the spokesman added.

Ethiopian Airlines, operator of the plane that crashed, says the decision to send black boxes to a European agency was strategic from the US Federal Aviation Administration He insisted that the 737 Max can continue to work. The US regulator finally decided to keep the model on the ground Wednesday, as the similarity between the African tragedy and an accident in Indonesia caused more and more worries. A computer system then took control of a robbery.

The German Federal Aviation Investigation Office refused to work on this case and stated that it was not technically possible. France has a direct link to the accident, which claimed the lives of 157 people, since the Max & Leap Motors are manufactured by CFM International of General Electric Co. and Safran SA, based in Paris.

It remains a snob for US regulators chose the BEA from the National Transportation Security Board for decoding recorders.

The French agency made the headlines in 2011 while it only took a few weeks to recover the entire contents of the voice and data recorders of an aircraft. Air France after two years of immersion at more than 3900 meters altitude. . This discovery helped explain the worst accident in the air operator's history.

At the same time, French President Emmanuel Macron met with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for a new contract with Airbus SE, based in Toulouse, as part of the fleet renewal. Ethiopian Airlines, announced a French official. Thursday.

Although the African airline already operates the A350 jumbo jet of the European aircraft manufacturer, all of his other jet aircraft are Boeing, including the 787 Dreamliner, for which he was one of the world's first customers, and several 737s.

Macron will also discuss an important Airbus order during the state visit to France of his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, later this month, the official said. China has 20% of all Max jets delivered and was the first major authority to keep the model to earth after Sunday's tragedy.

The Asian nation itself will seek to capitalize on the 737's problems by attracting more sales for the Comac C919, which the company says has more than 800 orders worldwide.


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