France recommends a single dose of the vaccine for those who already had coronavirus


A woman is holding a small jar with a label of "COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine" (REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)
A woman holds a small vial labeled “COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine” (REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)

France became this Friday the first country to officially recommend the administration of a single dose of vaccine to people who have ever had a coronavirus infection.

The recommendation of the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS) is based on the fact that those who have already had the infection ”preserve immune memory“So the single dose of vaccine”will play the strengthening role“The agency said in a statement.

He added that these people should receive the vaccine “in a period close to six monthsAfter infection, because it is considered that for at least three months, they are protected against reinfection.

However, HAS noted that this recommendation for a single dose of the vaccine should be applied regardless of the date of infection.

The agency added that those who have previously had a coronavirus infection should receive this vaccine as part of the vaccination protocols established for their age group and any previous conditions, without being given priority or delays.

He also established two exceptions: one for people with severe immunosuppression, who should receive two doses, Y another for those who received the first dose and then became infected, who must wait at least three months to receive the second.

France, which has accumulated 3.4 million positives and 80,803 deaths since the start of the epidemic, has so far vaccinated 2,671 million people, of whom just over half a million have already received the two doses.

(With information from EFE)


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