France: record of registrants to be vaccinated after Macron’s announcements | Compulsory vaccination card to go to restaurants, bars, theaters and cinemas


Vaccination requests broke a record this Monday evening in France with a million registered, after the president, Emmanuel Macron, announced that vaccination will be compulsory both for health personnel and for the performance of many activities from the coming weeks.

The French Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, rejoiced this Tuesday at the record number in an interview with the BFMTV channel, where he confirmed that a million people connected during the night to the various platforms to request an appointment. you vaccination. “It means thousands of lives saved “Véran underlined.

Macron indicated on Monday that both the vaccination certificate and the certificate of having transmitted the coronavirus which serves as health passport in large cities, they will become compulsory in restaurants, bars, theaters and cinemas from next week.

Further, he noted that thl health workers and those working with vulnerable people, like the employees of retirement homes, They will have the obligation to be vaccinated before September 15, and that from then on, there will be penalties for those who do not.

“We no longer want to confine the country”

Véran, for his part, explained that this health certificate was generated because “We no longer want to confine the country“Given the threat posed by the spread of the delta variant, which already represents more than half of the cases in France.

In this sense, the Minister specified that from September 15, controls will be put in place and that absent persons may be subject to suspension of employment and salary. In turn, he stressed that if they insist on their refusal to be vaccinated, the sanction could lead to dismissal.

The measures announced by Macron

“The more we vaccinate, the less room we leave for the virus to spread”, Macron assured in what was his eighth speech to the nation since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. The president in turn put forward the package of health measures that will aim to stop the wave of infections.

Following this line, From July 21, the health passport, until now compulsory to access discotheques but also to major social or sporting events With more than 1,000 people, it will be compulsory to access cultural places where more than 50 people are received.

In August, proof of immunity or of having received the complete vaccination schedule People over the age of 12 will also be required in cafes, restaurants, bars, buses, long-distance trains and airplanes. as a way to encourage those who refuse to be vaccinated.

More, PCR and antigen testing, which were until now reimbursed by Social Security, they will be paid in the fall unless prescribed by a physician.

“Vaccination will not be compulsory for everyone, but we will promote it so that the greatest number (of people) are vaccinated,” Macron stressed.

The French president took the opportunity to stress that the country’s economic recovery requires the vaccination of all French people, while also showing his desire to carry out the pension reform, which was at a standstill.

Until last Sunday, France recorded some 35.8 million people with at least one dose of the vaccine (53.4% ​​of the population) and 27.4 million (41%) who already had the full regimen.


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