France, Spain and Germany call for elections in Venezuela


Pedro Sánchez – Venezuela

"The Venezuelan people must be able to decide freely and safely on their future. If the elections are not announced in eight days, we agree to recognize Juan Guaidó, who will launch this political process, as acting president, "Twitter spokesman Martina Fietz said on Twitter.

To integrate

Das Volk Venezuelas muss frei u. at Sicherheit über seine Zukunft entscheiden können. Werden nicht binnen 8 Tagen Wahlen angekündigt, to date, Juan Guaidó al Interimspräsidenten anzuerkennen, looking for a politician. Prozess einleitet; arbeiten eng mit europ. Partnern.

– Martina Fietz (@m_fietz) January 26, 2019

A few minutes earlier, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and French President Emmanuel Macron had broadcast almost identical messages in their respective countries.

To integrate

The Venezuelan people must be able to freely decide their future. Without elections announced in 8 days, we could recognize @not a word as "president in charge" of Venezuela to implement this political process. We work with our European allies.

– Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) January 26, 2019

Macron said Saturday that his country could recognize opposition leader Juan Guaidó as "president director"Venezuela if Nicolás Maduro does not call elections in the next eight days.

"The Venezuelan people must be able to freely decide their future. Without elections announced in eight days, we could recognize @jguaido as president in charge of Venezuela to implement this political process, "wrote Macron in a tweet in French and Spanish.

"Sand within eight days, no call for fair, free and transparent elections is launched in Venezuela, Spain will recognize Juan Guaidó as president of Venezuela, "said Sanchez, who was televised in front of the press.


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