France takes a first step to ban sexual “reorientation therapy”


French MPs voted unanimously on Tuesday in favor of banning the “sexual reorientation therapies” who seek to impose normative heterosexuality on lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals.

The initiative provides for sentences of two years in prison and 30,000 euros fine, but the penalty can be up to three years in prison and 45,000 euros when it comes to minors.

Little is known about the so-called reconversion therapies which claim to “cure” homosexuals. In 2019, lawmakers Laurence Vanceunebrock (liberal) and Bastien Lachaud (leftist) recalled a hundred recent cases and warned against the increase.

There is nothing to heal. Being yourself is not a crime. We must not try to change the gender identity or sexual orientation “of people, said Equality Minister Elisabeth Moreno.

The two deputies classify these “therapies” into three categories: “religious”, between calls for abstinence and “exorcism” sessions; “Medical”, with hormonal treatments, hypnosis and even electroshock; and “social”, with heterosexual “forced marriages”.

Although these actions can already be sanctioned, Vanceunebrock considered it necessary to create a specific offense to better face the phenomenon and support victims when it comes to reporting and freeing themselves from the “control” of certain environments.

Despite the Assembly’s unanimous approval, there is uncertainty as to whether the bill will be able to pass the Senate filter in time before February, when parliamentary work ends due to the presidential election of April.

LGTB associations and civil society are stepping up their mobilization. Singers much appreciated by young French people like Eddy de Pretto and Hoshi urged MPs to perform at the end of April.

In Europe, Malta and Germany have already banned these sexual “reorientation therapies” and similar actions have started in the Netherlands and the UK. In Canada, MPs approved a similar proposal in June.

With information from AFP


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